Charles Hakes Fort Lewis College2 Chapter 1 Kepler’s Laws
Charles Hakes Fort Lewis College3 Outline Logistics Lab notes Review Kepler’s Laws
Charles Hakes Fort Lewis College4 Logistics Read about Newton (1.4).
Charles Hakes Fort Lewis College5 Lab notes Sunset Part 2 Due ASAP Important - Attach part 1! update sketch if necessary sketch both sunsets on the same plot Do Kepler small group for Friday. Due Friday at 5:30 P.M. In box outside room 671.
Charles Hakes Fort Lewis College6 I read the section on Kepler’s laws. A) TrueB) False
Charles Hakes Fort Lewis College7 Planetary orbits are A) Circular. B) Parabolic. C) Elliptical. D) Hyperbolic.
Charles Hakes Fort Lewis College8 Planetary orbits are A) Circular. B) Parabolic. C) Elliptical. D) Hyperbolic.
Charles Hakes Fort Lewis College9 Two planets have orbits with the same periods. Which is true? A) Their velocities must be the same. B) They must have the same eccentricity. C) They must have the same semi-major axis. D) Their orbits must be identical.
Charles Hakes Fort Lewis College10 Two planets have orbits with the same periods. Which is true? A) Their velocities must be the same. B) They must have the same eccentricity. C) They must have the same semi-major axis. D) Their orbits must be identical.
Charles Hakes Fort Lewis College11 Figure 1.15 Johannes Kepler ( )
Charles Hakes Fort Lewis College12 Kepler Overview Theoretician Used observations of Tycho Brahe Wanted a unifying principle to explain the motions of the planets without epicycles. Took ~29 years, but he did it.
Charles Hakes Fort Lewis College13 Figure 1.16 Tycho Brahe
Charles Hakes Fort Lewis College14 Kepler’s “Laws” Allow pop-up windows!
Charles Hakes Fort Lewis College15 Kepler’s “Laws” That “shape” law Orbits are elliptical, with the Sun at one focus.
Charles Hakes Fort Lewis College16 Kepler’s “Laws” That “shape” law Orbits are elliptical, with the Sun at one focus. That “speed” law (A line between the Sun and a)Planet sweeps out (in the ellipse) equal areas in equal times.
Charles Hakes Fort Lewis College17 Kepler’s “Laws” That “shape” law Orbits are elliptical, with the Sun at one focus. That “speed” law (A line between the Sun and a)Planet sweeps out equal areas (of the ellipse) in equal times. That “math” law P 2 (years) = a 3 (astronomical units)
Charles Hakes Fort Lewis College18 A planet orbit could be circular. A) True B) False
Charles Hakes Fort Lewis College19 A planet orbit could be circular. A) True B) False
Charles Hakes Fort Lewis College20 Two planets have orbits with the same sized semi-major axis. Which is true? A) The planet with the most eccentric orbit moves faster all the time. B) The planet with the most eccentric orbit moves faster some of the time. C) The planet with the most eccentric orbit never moves faster. D) Not enough information to answer.
Charles Hakes Fort Lewis College21 Two planets have orbits with the same sized semi-major axis. Which is true? A) The planet with the most eccentric orbit moves faster all the time. B) The planet with the most eccentric orbit moves faster some of the time. C) The planet with the most eccentric orbit never moves faster. D) Not enough information to answer.
Charles Hakes Fort Lewis College22 Assume a planet orbits exactly twice as far from the Sun as the Earth does. A) It’s period is 2 years exactly. B) It’s period is between 2 and 3 years C) It’s period is between 3 and 4 years D) It’s period is 4 years exactly.
Charles Hakes Fort Lewis College23 Assume a planet orbits exactly twice as far from the Sun as the Earth does. A) It’s period is 2 years exactly. B) It’s period is between 2 and 3 years C) It’s period is between 3 and 4 years D) It’s period is 4 years exactly.
Charles Hakes Fort Lewis College24 Three Minute Paper Write 1-3 sentences. What was the most important thing you learned today? What questions do you still have about today’s topics?
Charles Hakes Fort Lewis College25 Three Minute Paper Answer this question (without discussion): What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?