Family Cornaceae: The Dogwood Family Alex Stalboerger
7 Genera within 2 Subfamilies 110 Species Mostly trees and shrubs Can be deciduous or evergreen
Leaves are opposite, alternate, simple Four or five-parted flowers Clustered within pseudanthia Pseudanthia = several flowers grouped together to form a flower-like structer (i.e. Sunflower) nsis.jpeg
Cornus alternifolia : Pagoda Dogwood Small (max height approx. 25’) Deciduous Leaves 2-5” long &1-2.5” wide Simple, elliptic, acuminate tip
Cornus racemosa : Gray Dogwood Shrub 10 to 15’ tall with an equal spread Deciduous Irregular shape Leaves 2-4” long & 1-2” wide Opposite, simple, elliptical, acuminate tip
Cornus rugosa : Round-leaved Dogwood Shrub 3 to 10’ tall Deciduous Leaves 2-6”long Opposite, broadly ovate, soft and hairy below
Cornus sericea : Red-osier Dogwood Shrub 6 to 10’ tall Deciduous Multistemmed Leaves 2-5”long & ”wide Ovate, rounded base, acuminate tip ce_ jpg
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