Field Testing & Monitoring of Structural Performance University of California, Los Angeles CPT Truck and RSA Jonathan P. Stewart, co-PI NSF Site VisitJune 17-18, 2002
2 Needs for Equipment Site characterization in connection with soil- foundation-structure interaction testing projects Site characterization in connection with soil- foundation-structure interaction testing projects Deployment of sensors below the ground surface to record wave emanating from foundation Deployment of sensors below the ground surface to record wave emanating from foundation
3 Cone Penetration Testing (CPT) Truck [Gantt tasks 29-34] Vendor: Hogentogler, Inc. Vendor: Hogentogler, Inc. Site characterization Site characterization –Tip resistance –Sleeve resistance –Inclination –Pore pressure –Geophone for shear wave velocity Progress - complete Progress - complete
4 Cone Penetration Testing
5 Retrievable Subsurface Accelerometer (RSA) [Gantt tasks 35-40] Vendor: Hogentogler, Inc. Vendor: Hogentogler, Inc. Design Considerations Design Considerations –Compatibility with existing equipment (Q330 data loggers & CPT truck) –Retrievability –Sensor resolution –Cost – budget of $29K
6 Retrievable Subsurface Accelerometer Insert with CPT truck Insert with CPT truck Compatible with Q330 data loggers Compatible with Q330 data loggers Retrievable with winch Retrievable with winch Silicon Designs MEMS triaxial accelerometer Silicon Designs MEMS triaxial accelerometer Downhole signal conditioning to reduce noise contamination Downhole signal conditioning to reduce noise contamination Micro-controller for built in sensor intelligence Micro-controller for built in sensor intelligence Drive shoe Probe Triaxial accelerometer Cable
8 Q330 RSA Installation
9 Shaker RSA Q330 To Command Center Experimental
10 RSA – progress Design and build prototype - complete Design and build prototype - complete Circuit pilot testing - complete Circuit pilot testing - complete Field pilot testing - complete Field pilot testing - complete Anticipated delivery (July 03) Anticipated delivery (July 03)