Supplemental Education Service Providers Becoming a Supplemental Education Service Provider
Supplemental Education Service Providers What are Supplemental Education Services? –Additional instruction designed to increase academic achievement –Must be provided outside the regular school day
Supplemental Education Service Providers SES may include –Tutoring –Remediation –Computer assisted learning –Distance learning
Supplemental Education Service Provider Who may be a SESP? Schools, districts, ESD’s Commercial for profit companies Commercial non-profit companies Distance providers
Who may teach SES? –Parents –Teachers –Older students –Must have background check –Demonstrate program improves achievement
How does a group become a SESP? –Apply to Oregon Department of Education –Must meet ODE criteria
Oregon Criteria for Approval A.Organizational Capacity A legal entity License to do business in Oregon Financial audit Certificate of insurance
Oregon Criteria for Approval Documentation of providing SES two or more years
Oregon Criteria for Approval B. Education Services Capacity Demonstrate ability to provide services that increase student achievment
Oregon Criteria for Approval Information on student progress is regularly provided to parents and district personnel as outlined in contract Assessments used are predictive of success on Oregon State Assessments The provider does not disclose information to the public without the written permission of the student ’ s parents/guardians
Oregon Criteria for Approval C. Alignment with Oregon and District Academic Content and Achievement Standards The provider offers programs that are aligned with Oregon and District content and achievement standards and are predictive of student success on OSA. The provider demonstrates the connection between supplemental services and the student ’ s classroom curriculum. Programs offered address the academic needs of all eligible students.
Oregon Criteria for Approval Instruction is aligned to district and Oregon Content and Performance Standards Evidence that scientific research supports the particular instructional methods used by the provider
Oregon Criteria for Approval D.Facilities, Equipment and Safety The providers ’ facilities and equipment are regularly inspected to ensure that the facilities and equipment are safe, sanitary, ADA accessible and provide an environment conducive to student achievement.
Oregon Criteria for Approval Copy of inspection reports of compliance with appropriate health and sanitation standards within the last two years. Documentation of inspection reports of compliance with safety standards including Fire Marshall, Oregon-OSHA, Loss Control Professional.
Oregon Criteria for Approval E.Qualified Staff The provider ’ s program and instruction are designed and implemented by staff qualified to assist students, including students with disabilities and English Language Learners, to meet or exceed Oregon ’ s high standards of achievement.
Oregon Criteria for Approval Documentation that all current employees that have student contact have had background checks and have been found to meet the requirement to serve as school employees. Instructors are adequately trained to deliver the supplemental educational services
Oregon Criteria for Approval F.Student Evaluation and Monitoring The provider has processes in place to assure continuous evaluation, monitoring and reporting of student performance.
Oregon Criteria for Approval Students receive constant and systematic feedback on what they are learn. Description of Reports –District –Parents –Students
Oregon Criteria for Approval G. Demonstrated Performance The provider has documented evidence of success in supplying supplemental educational services in all required content areas resulting in student academic achievement
Oregon Criteria for Approval Evidence that scientific research supports the particular instructional methods used by the provider Assessments used are predictive of success on Oregon State Assessments
Oregon Applications Oregon Local Education Agencies Local Private Commercial Oregon Private/Alternative Schools Distance Providers Partnerships
Oregon Applications Oregon Local Education Agencies –Public Schools (not in Title IA Improvement Status) Including Charter Schools –Public School Districts –Education Service Districts –Colleges, Universities, Community Colleges
Oregon Applications All Applications Include: Description of Organization Description of Student populations served Language of Instruction Information of Parents Contact information Description of Services Location of services
Oregon Applications All Applications Include: Staff Qualifications and Roles Parent and District notifications Alignment to Oregon Standards Scientific Basis of Instruction and Materials Demonstrable Record of Effectiveness Program Evaluations
Oregon Applications Staff Qualifications –Need not meet NCLB definition of “Highly Qualified” –Must be qualified to provide services –Qualifications shared with parents
Oregon Applications Alignment to Oregon Standards –Assure ODE that an alignment between instruction and Oregon Standards have been done –List the person/organization completing the alignment –Checked during monitoring or if parent/district/ODE questions alignment
Oregon Applications Scientific Basis of Instructional methods and materials –List name of person responsible for ensuring that all methods and materials are based on scientific research/evidence –Checked during monitoring or if parent/district/ODE questions scientific basis
Oregon Applications Demonstrable Record of Effectiveness –Oregon requires 2 years of demonstrated effectiveness in increasing student achievement –May use Oregon State Assessments –May use valid, reliable assessments –Must show consistent student gains in Reading, Math and/or English Proficiency
Oregon Applications Program Evaluations –Demonstrate Educational Capacity and Record of Effectiveness Organization has evaluated program Process for program evaluation is in place
Oregon Applications Applications are: – Accepted at anytime –Reviewed annually in August Review Panel –District SESP coordinators –ODE staff –Education Organizations representatives
Oregon Applications Late Applications reviewed the following year Extraneous materials submitted –Application will not be read Successful Applicants are posted on the Approved List on ODE website
After Approval SESP approved providers: – Names are on the website –May contact districts –May not receive a list of eligible students –May advertise –Names and descriptions of services provided to parents of eligible students
After Approval Parents will select provider of their choice for their eligible students District will facilitate a contract Funding for SESP is based on a formula calculated by each district Students may leave SESP without penalty SESP are only paid for services rendered
Supplemental Education Service Providers Next Presentation August 2005: –Contracts –Responsibilities of Districts and SESP OACE –District and Parent Roles in SES Available on website: –SESP Monitoring Documents