W e l c o m e Welcome to the NERC Airborne Remote Sensing Facility 2004 Workshop
W h o a r e t h e A R S F? David Davies: Co-pilot / chief engineer
W h o a r e t h e A R S F? Ivana Barasin: Data analyst
W h o a r e t h e A R S F? Simon Roberts: Systems operator
W h o a r e t h e A R S F? Carl Joseph: Chief pilot / operations manager
T h e A R S F m i s s i o n Provide airborne remote sensing data in support of interdisciplinary environmental research, survey and monitoring
T h e A R S F m i s s i o n Provide airborne remote sensing data in support of interdisciplinary environmental research, survey and monitoring Training should be a key element of data acquisition
T h e A R S F m i s s i o n Provide airborne remote sensing data in support of interdisciplinary environmental research, survey and monitoring Training should be a key element of data acquisition ARSF seeks to promote awareness of techniques across various communities
H o w t h e A R S F o p e r a t e s Announcement of Opportunities (currently 1 November 2004)
H o w t h e A R S F o p e r a t e s Announcement of Opportunities (currently 1 November 2004) Peer review of applications to ensure the best science is supported
H o w t h e A R S F o p e r a t e s Announcement of Opportunities (currently 1 November 2004) Peer review of applications to ensure the best science is supported Facility / user contact to refine requirements and flight plans
H o w t h e A R S F o p e r a t e s Announcement of Opportunities (currently 1 November 2004) Peer review of applications to ensure the best science is supported Facility / user contact to refine requirements and flight plans Data processing and delivery (now performed from Kidlington)
S u m m a r y & f u t u r e w o r k ARSF has recently had significant staff changes
S u m m a r y & f u t u r e w o r k ARSF has recently had significant staff changes Data processing work has relocated to Kidlington
S u m m a r y & f u t u r e w o r k ARSF has recently had significant staff changes Data processing work has relocated to Kidlington Soon to obtain a new hyperspectral instrument and there is increasing synergy with FAAM
S u m m a r y & f u t u r e w o r k ARSF has recently had significant staff changes Data processing work has relocated to Kidlington Soon to obtain a new hyperspectral instrument and there is increasing synergy with FAAM Future workshops will contain a significant training element
C o n t a c t u s Please get in touch with us on: