1 TakingActionTogether For Primary Schools Anti-bullying Week 2010
What is bullying?
5 Where does Bullying Take Place?
6 How can we help to stop bullying? TakeActionTogether
7 Taking Action Together really works how can you help?
8 You can Be a good friend Be a good friend Be kind to other people Be kind to other people Tell an adult if you see someone being bulliedTell an adult if you see someone being bullied
Be a Good Friend
Be Kind
Tell an adult if someone is being bullied
12 Helping Hand parentparent teacher family police Classroom helper
13 If you’re being bullied Tell someone We should help each other Tell someone 1 2 If you’re being bullied Tell someone Be kind to one another All have fun 3 4 Take Action Together Song
14 TakingActionTogether
Further notes for Teachers Please view notes below for additional info
Briefing slide: Musical Notation for Frere Jacques
ACTIVITY Helping hand; children could draw around their hand and add their words onto fingers as to who could help them