Focus ABCI Evaluation Possible Threats to Integrity Variations in age of students may result in skewed, invalid, or unreliable data. Agendas of participants may result in unreliable data. Lack of participation may result in a less data than is needed for quantitative analysis. Some participants may fill out only the quantitative portion of the survey or spend little time on qualitative questions. Goals and Objectives Identify and make connections with anti-bullying and positive relationship building programs already in place with the community and in local schools Provide training to at least one-hundred (100) adults about issues associated with bullying and ways to address bullying within the next year. Develop and implement at least three (3) new programs that teach youth how develop positive relationships with their peers in the next year. Population and Sample Community Program Personnel StudentsParentsAdministrators Methods Surveys containing both qualitative and quantitative questions will be administered to participants. Students Will take surveys in computer labs during class Questions about numbers of trainings, previous and current views of bullying, and changes noticed in school since trainings. Parents Will be ed link to survey Questions about numbers of trainings attended and aware of, previous and current views of bullying, and changes noticed in school and children since trainings. Community Program Personnel Will be ed link to survey Questions about extent of collaboration with school in planning and implicating trainings and areas for suggested improvement. Administrators Will be ed link to survey Questions about extent of collaboration with community in planning and implicating trainings, changes noticed in school since trainings, and areas for suggested improvement. Qualitative and Quantitative data will be analyzed separately. Students Qualitative themes of previous and current views will be compared to each other and compared with parents’ themes. Quantitative data about numbers of trainings attended and amount of change seen will be correlated using Pearson correlation. Parents Qualitative themes of previous and current views will be compared to each other and compared with students’ themes. Quantitative data about numbers of trainings attended and amount of change seen will be correlated using Pearson correlation. Community Program Personnel Qualitative themes of suggested improvements will be compared. Quantitative data about amount of collaboration with schools versus perceived program effectiveness will be correlated using Pearson correlation. Administrators Qualitative themes of suggested improvements will be compared. Quantitative data about amount of collaboration with community and changes seen in school will be correlated using Pearson correlation. Threats Written report will discuss findings and future goals, and charts and graphs will display quantitative data. Students will discuss findings in class. Administrators, parents, and community stakeholders will receive a link, via , inviting them to review data on the program’s website. Paper copies of the report will be made available by the school. Reporting Strategies Research Questions How many programs have been attended by students and adults? Have programs been effective in changing perceptions of and actions in regard to bullying? Has the program been collaborative with the community?