Instructor: Yuzhuang Hu
Final August 7, :00pm - 10:pm HCC1700
I/O Interface Units Peripherals are often eletro-mechanical devices whose manner of operation is different from that of the CPU and memory. The data-transfer rate of peripherals is usually different from the clock rate of the CPU. Data codes and formats in peripherals differ from the word format in the CPU. The operating modes of peripherals differ from each other.
I/O bus and interface
Modes of Transfer Data transfer under program control. Interrupt-initiated data transfer. Direct memory access transfer.
Program-Controlled Transfer
Interrupt-Initiated Transfer SP <- SP – 1Decrement stack pointer M[SP] <- PCStore return address on stack SP <- SP – 1 Decrement stack pointer M[SP] <- PSRStore processor status word on stack EI <- 0Reset enable-interrupt flip-flop INTACK <- 1Enable interrupt acknowledge PC <- IVADTransfer interrupt vector address to PC, go to fetch phase
Final August 7, :00pm - 10:pm HCC1700
Sequential Circuit Design
Design from ASM processor statuscontrol pts SEQ CTRL PTS SELECTOR External control inputs Data inData out Clock
VHDL Write some VHDL codes. Processes in VHDL.
Pipeline Execution of the instructions in each stage. Hazards. Find data and control hazards. Avoid data and control hazards. Insert NOP Change the order of the instructions Other methods
Data hazards Consider the following instructions 1.MOV R1, R5 2.ADD R2, R1, R6 3.ADD R3, R1, R2 IFDOFEXWB IFDOFEXWB IFDOFEXWB Mov R1, R5 Add R2, R1, R6 Add R3, R1, R2
Cache Memory 32 bit address, 1024 KB cache, 4 word line, two way associative cache Question: how many bits in tag and index? tag index block byte
Overall picture