Cigarette Distributing Agent’s Report
Log in with the user id and password provided through the EDS registration process and click on the Login button. If you have not registered, click on the New User? link. If you cannot remember password, click on Forgot Password?
Click on the link under File a New Report.
The General Information tab will auto populate with information provided during the registration process. A Reporting Period month and year must be selected. A selection from the Amended? pull down menu is also required. Only if the report gets amended, should “Yes” be selected from the dropdown box. Add the Report Submitted By name, which is the person verifying the submitted information.
Report Detail In the Report Detail there is a drop down box for Transaction Type. Select the appropriate transaction and complete the required fields, designated by the asterisks. Add Transaction should be selected. After each entry has been added, it will be listed individually. Under Product Transaction Summary the entries will be summed by Pack Size.
Using the Lookup Feature There are two ways to search for licenses via the Lookup feature. If the license number is known, enter in the Florida License/Permit # field and select the Lookup button. If the name of the company is known, enter the entire or part of the name in the Name of Supplier/Consignee field and select Lookup. If neither option produces the needed results, a list of licenses can found using the following link: If you still do not find what you need, contact the EDS Help Desk at
In the event of multiple returns from using the Lookup feature, select the appropriate Business Name using the radio button to the left of the name and select OK at the bottom of the Select your license screen. If you do not see your license, select Cancel and contact the EDS Help Desk at Supply the name and address of the business if possible. Multiple Lookup Results
Once the Florida License/Permit information populates, you must include a Reference Number, Date, and Quantity. Click on the Add Transaction button.
Successfully added transactions are summarized by the Product Transaction Summary at the bottom of the page by pack size. All transactions are shown underneath the Add Transaction button. To remove a transaction, click on the red radio button with the white X next to the transaction you wish to delete. Once all of the data has been entered, click on the Summary of Transactions tab.
Summary of Transactions The Summary of Transactions page carries over the data input on the Report Detail page. The arrows in the example above point to the two types of transactions that can be edited. Enter in the Balance on Hand and the Actual Inventory for 20’s and 25’s only. Packs of 10 are no longer allowed per statute. Click on the Continue to Review & Confirm button.
Review and Confirm Review the information and Save the report
This is the Confirmation page that is displayed upon a successful Save. The saved report can be accessed by clicking on one of the links denoted by the red arrow above. A link to the report will be displayed under the Saved Work heading.
Helpful Hint Save your report often. This helps guard against data loss and is considered a “best practice”.
To submit the report, click on the link under the Saved Work header and then click on the Summary of Transactions tab. Continue on through the Review & Confirm page in the same way as the Save process. Submitting the Report
You may print a hard copy of the summary by clicking the link Print Summary. To submit, click the Submit Report button.
This is the submitted report Confirmation page. You must receive this message for a successful submission to have taken place. If this page does not appear, contact EDS Support.
Contact EDS Support for technical questions or to report a problem. If you need assistance filling out a report, contact your district office. Technical Support