Step ONE: II. TRAINING You will either use your college catalog or the college website for this paragraph. You must first find a statement about the college, something that sets it apart from other colleges – its selling point. Next, find the admission requirements according to YOUR needs: –In/out of district –Freshman with no previous college hours –Freshman with previous college hours –Transfer student
Step TWO You must next find your particular degree plan – the exact classes you must take/pass in order to EARN your certificate or degree in your career choice. Also, find the ORDER of classes. How many hours must you have TOTAL? Remember to combine like hours: –English 1301 –English 1302 This is actually written as –English hours of English.
Step THREE Remember that to EARN a certificate or degree, there is a set amount of hours: –Certificate = hours –Associates = hours –BA or BS or BM = hours –Masters = around hours after Bachelors –Ph.D 8-12 years TOTAL –MD = 6-16 years after Bachelors
Step FOUR If you are transferring from a junior college to a university, you must begin again with the second slide for day two. When finding the Admissions Requirements, you are now a transfer student. This time, you will find the upper-division classes to complete your degree plan for the Bachelors / Masters degree. Your TOTAL hours must add up to the required hours found on slide #4.