Preserving Recreational & Commercial Working Waterfronts.


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Presentation transcript:

Preserving Recreational & Commercial Working Waterfronts

Presentation Working Waterfronts in Florida- definitions and planning requirements Waterfronts Florida Program Planning Strategies to preserve working waterfronts

Definitions "recreational and commercial working waterfront“ parcels of real property that provide access for water- dependent commercial activities, including hotels and motels... The term includes water-dependent facilities that are open to the public and offer public access by vessels to the waters of the state or that support facilities for recreational, commercial, research, or governmental vessels... Seaports are excluded from the definition.

Planning Requirements All coastal local government required to : Include strategies to preserve recreational and commercial working waterfronts in the local comprehensive plan. Include waterways in their comprehensive system of public and private sites for recreation (applies to all local governments) Include criteria for prioritizing water-dependent land uses along the shoreline

Waterfronts Florida Program Established in section F.S. to provide technical assistance, support, training, and financial assistance to waterfront communities to revitalize the local waterfront through addressing four priority areas: Hazard Mitigation Cultural & Natural Resource Preservation Public Access Enhancing the traditional economy

WaterfrontsFloridaProgram Waterfronts Florida Partnership (designation) General Technical Assistance to All Coastal Communities

Designation Cycle The program works with designated partnership communities to prepare a community-driven vision for waterfront revitalization. 21 “graduate” communities 2 new communities Millville Fort Myers

Designation Program First Year: Technical assistance to: Help communities build a local partnership organization Create a vision plan for waterfront redevelopment Implement small-scale projects to build momentum

Designation Cycle Second Year and Beyond Implement local vision through: Revisions to the comprehensive plan and land development code Project implementation

Best Planning Practice Model Planning Ordinance to Preserve Working Waterfronts Maritime Infrastructure Planning Project Post Disaster Redevelopment Planning Initiative Ongoing project to provide guidance on climate resiliency planning

Cortez Village

Vilano Beach

Port Salerno

Other Forms of Technical Assistance Publications Program Managers’ Meetings Waterfronts Florida Webpages

Elisabeth Salinas