Clothing Labels Everything you always wanted to know.
Textiles fibers product information act was passed in : 1958
FIBER The purpose of this law is to protect consumers against misbranding or false advertising concerning the Content of any textile product.
The labels should be attached where they can be easily found such as: 1.Center Back – Neck or waist 2. Inside – Side seam or lower front seam.
Labels may be Sewn Glued Printed
However, The Permanent Care Labeling Rule of 1972 states that all textile garments sold in the USA must carry Permanent labels that fully describe the items care needs.
There are FIVE pieces of Mandatory information required on a label
1. Fiber Content Any fiber that makes up or more of the garment weight must be listed by its generic name. (polyester, rayon, spandex) 5%
2.Percent of Fiber by Weight The fiber must be listed in Descending order by percentage. The fiber present in the Greatest amount must be listed first.
OTHER fibers are those that are less than 5% The label must state if it is 100% of a given fiber.
3. Identification of Manufacturer This label identifies who is Responsible for the product. The RN is assigned by the government branch called: Federal trade Commission (FTC)
4. Country of Origin The label must state where the garment was Manufactured Such as “Made in China” Since 1984 all textiles made in the USA must carry a label stating so.
5. Care Requirements This includes basic information such as “Dry Clean Only” or “Do not use chlorine bleach” Manufacturer must stand behind these instructions. If you follow the care instructions Exactly and something goes Wrong you can return the garment
Makers are only required to list only the BEST or TESTED care method. Other methods may be safe. At the same time harmful methods are not listed either. If washing will ruin a garment, the label does not have to say so.
Additional pieces of information that may be listed on a label or hangtag are:
ILGWU International Ladies Garment Workers Union
UNITE Union of Needle trades, Industrial, & Textile Employees.
LOGO These are symbols of the maker (Nike, Polo, Levi)
Store Name Some stores buy directly from a factory and put their own label in a garment. Usually they are not all made in the same factory. (Talbots)
Inventory Control Codes. These are usually found on a hangtag. UPC Universal Product Code
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