Lit and Comp III Debate Format
General Directions and Rules During your debate, your team must: use at least two examples of ethos, pathos, and logos. avoid all fallacies. Dress Appropriately (business attire) Use eye contact Show memorization (really KNOW your arguments) Utilize rhetorical strategies Stay within the allotted time frame Show group participation
Round 1: Introduction Each team will present an opening statement (thesis/conclusion) and all major premises in support of this conclusion. (2 min) The opening statements will be followed by a one minute supporting statement from each side. *This statement will simply further illuminate why your argument is the stronger argument, not by attacking the opposing team, but rather by strengthening your own opening statement. ROUND 1 Affirmative: 2 min Negative: 2 min Affirmative: 1 min Negative: 1 min
Round 2: Rebuttal/Cross Examination Affirmative will ask a question/challenge a claim/ expose fallacies or flaws made by the Negative. The Negative will have 30 seconds to respond. The affirmative will have 30 seconds to respond. Negative will ask a question/challenge a claim/ expose fallacies or flaws made by the Affirmative. The Affirmative will have 30 seconds to respond. The Negative will have 30 seconds to respond. *This will be repeated one more time.
Round 3: Free Response Judges and/or audience members can ask questions of either team (equitably). The team that is asked a questions will have 30 seconds to formulate an answer. The opposing team will have an opportunity for rebuttal if they so choose. This round will last no more than 10 minutes.
Round 4: Conclusion Both teams have 1 minute at their tables to finalize their closing remarks. The statement will be written prior to the debate, but revised as the debate progresses to accommodate for previously overlooked weakness/ strong arguments which arise against your opponent’s arguments during the course of the debate/etc. Negative side gives a 2 minute closing argument Affirmative gives a 2 minute closing argument
Judges You will be judged by a panel of 6-8 peers. Your debate participation is worth 100 points (split into 3rds: Summative Listening and Speaking; Summative Reading; Summative Writing. Your peers will subtract points from your grade based on the following: 1. Use of fallacies 2. Weak argumentation 3. Misuse of rhetorical strategies 4. Lack of ethos, pathos, logos 5. Inappropriate dress 6. Lack of eye contact/other public speaking skills (pace, volume, etc) 7. Non equity of group participation 8. Obvious lack of preparation. 9. Dull/non persuasive speaking