Consumer Rights and Responsibilities
Be An Educated Consumer Our courts have determined that you should know the difference between fact and opinion!
History of Consumer Rights In the early 1960’s your Consumer Rights were signed into law by President John F. Kennedy
Right to Safety Products you buy should not harm you when used correctly You must read and follow all safety instructions
What is Product recall A request to return a product, usually due to the discovery of safety issues. It is the consumers responsibility to take the product back to the place of purchase.
Right to Be Informed Products must have labels that identify the product Labels must also include contents of the product and proper care Labels should include the manufacturer, quantity, and size
Right to Choose You should be able to select from a wide variety of products and services You should not be forced to buy from one source, either.
Right to be Heard If you have purchased an unsatisfactory product someone must listen to your complaints You have the right to have your problem corrected
Consumer Responsibilities
Use Products Correctly Be aware of a product’s safety features Read and follow use and care guidelines You cannot hold a business responsible if you do not use the product correctly
Demand Reliable Products Return faulty items Report dishonest business practices Keep warranties and sales receipts Follow the store’s return policies
Be Informed Know what you are buying Make sure the product or service is what you want Do not ask for a refund because you made an error in selecting the item
Treat Merchandise with Care Handle merchandise carefully so you do not damage it Try on clothing carefully. Return unwanted clothing to proper area. Do not just leave on the floor in fitting rooms. Do not open sealed packages
Pay Your Debts Pay your debts on time Not paying bills on time could result in a store or business closure
Be Honest Return excess change DO NOT shoplift
Be a Courteous Shopper Be polite to other customers and service personnel Return items politely Don’t cut in line Show patience during busy seasons “Please, Thank You, Excuse Me Please”