BY: VICTORIA LIU Roman Chariot Racing
Origins Possibly oldest sport (6 th century BCE) Popular to Etruscans Evidence of chariot racing among the Lucanians of Sicily in 5 th century BCE
Race Location Races held in a circus (got name from its oval shape) Oldest and largest circus- Circus Maximus Originally raced in a flat, sandy track; spectators sat on hills Gradually developed into Circus Maximus First built with wood, burned down a few times Then rebuilt with marble and concrete
Popularity Popular to all social classes Popularity depicted in common household items
Charioteers and Teams Most charioteers started as slaves, but bought their freedom 4 racing companies were known by their colors Red, White, Blue, and Green
Rivalry Help me in the Circus on 8 November. Bind every limb, every sinew, the shoulders, the ankles and the elbows of Olympus, Olympianus, Scortius and Juvencus, the charioteers of the Red. Torment their minds, their intelligence and their senses so that they may not know what they are doing, and knock out their eyes so that they may not see where they are going—neither they nor the horses they are going to drive. (translated by H. A. Harris, Sport in Greece and Rome, ) (Trying to incapacitate a red racer)
The Chariots Designed to be as small and lightweight as possible Made of wood Enforced little support or protection to the charioteer Normally 4 racehorses per chariot
Charioteers Wore little body protection Light helmet The way that the reins were wrapped around their waists (to use body weight to control horses) was dangerous
How the Races Worked Began with a ceremony headed by the dignitary who sponsored the game Charioteers, teams, musicians, dancers, and priests carrying the gods and goddesses who were to watch in the races followed the dignitary Usually 12 races a day Once the horses were ready, the white cloth (mappa) was dropped, and 12 teams began to race First team to complete 7 full laps wins
End of the Race Spectators followed the race by watching the egg or dolphin counters The winning charioteer is presented with a palm branch and wreath by the dignitary
Other Purposes Races related with funeral games In Rome, had religious ties To chariot driving deities Sol (the sun) Luna ( the moon) Consus, agricultural deity Ludi Magni was a festivity which was celebrated with the chariot races in honor of Jupiter