City Planning Commission eThekwini Transport Authority
Integrated Transport Plan
LEGAL STATUS OF PLAN Name of Statute Specific Section in Legislation prescribing the Plan Date of last Submission Due Date for next Submission Responsible Person National Land Transport Act, 2009 (Act No. 5 of 2009) Section 36 (1) June 2010 for (2010/15) for 5 year Plan) 2013 for 2013/14 Annual Update July 2016 for next 5 year plan Logan Moodley
Key Assumptions What is the vision & values that the plan is responding to? – The Integrated Transport Plan (ITP) is synchronised with the IDP – The Transport Mission Statement is distilled from policies, intent and meaning of national and provincial visions and eThekwini’s IDP vision – Mission Statement To provide and manage a world-class transport system with a public transport focus, providing high levels of mobility and accessibility for the movement of people and goods in a safe, sustainable and affordable manner
Key Assumptions What time horizon is the Plan for eg. 20 years? The ITP strategies are long-term (20yrs) ITPs are prepared for a five-year period and updated on an annual basis.
Key Assumptions What demographic forecast have you used eg. ETA model & how does this align with other plans in the City? Demographic Forecast prepared by ETA, and the spatial distribution of population and employment is aligned to Development Planning - Spatial Development Plans (SDPs) &SDF and Economic Development – economic Development Strategy
Key Assumptions What assumptions have you made with regard to urbanisation & how does this align with other plans in the City? The forecasted population distribution (settlement patterns) is based on the SDPs & SDF
Key Assumptions What economic assumptions have you made & how does this align with other plans in the City? The employment forecasts are based on the City’s Economic Development Strategy
Key Assumptions What spatial assumptions have you made eg. growth in the north & how does this align with other plans in the City? The spatial assumptions have been considered in the demographic forecasts used to develop the transport infrastructure plan, a key chapter of the ITP.
Key Assumptions What scenarios eg. climate change does the plan take account of & how does this align with other plans in the City? The transport infrastructure plans considers vehicle emissions, in line with EM&CPD, Climate Change Strategy and Environment Health Departments Air Quality Management plans
Key Assumptions How does the plan deal with non- infrastructure solutions eg. demand management & what portion of the demand is met by this eg. 20% The overarching strategy is based of travel demand management (TDM) measures Modal split monitoring to reverse the trend Eg 2005 modal split 52:48 (pt:pvt) target in 2020 to 55:45 (pt:pvt)
Key Assumptions How does the plan align with the National Development Plan & Provincial Growth & Development Strategy? The 2013/14 annual update considers the above.
Key Assumptions Other assumptions? – Integrated Freight and logistics plan takes into SIP2 initiative
Key Findings What are the gaps/shortcomings in the plan eg. does not consider climate change? Commitment of the various sectors in implementing the plan.
Key Findings What are the key findings/concerns/issues that the plan identifies? Funding constraints
Key Findings What would you need to change in the next cycle? Improvements in terms of sustainability and innovative funding mechanisms
Key Findings Other?