The Mobility and Quality Surveys In the area of the Province of Torino surveys on residents mobility and perceived quality of transport are performed any 2 years since the beginning of the ’90s. From 1991 to 2004 surveys were undertaken by Public Transport Company of Torino; from 2004 surveys are undertaken by the Agency. Residents more than 10 years old (who are subjects of the mobility surveys) are 1,4 million in the area of the Agency, and 2 million in the whole Province of Torino. “Great surveys” (samples of thousand interviews) and “small surveys” (samples of 5-7 thousands interviews) are interspersed. Essentially people are asked to answer to questions about why, where (from and to), when and how (mean of transport used) they moved the day before, why they chose a particular mean of transport, which is their judgement on several quality aspects of P.T. use and car use. The last published results are the 2006 ones. In the website the 2006 report can be found and download (sorry, only in Italian).
PubblicPrivateMotorized daily trips (thousands) (36,3%) (29,1%) (29,4%)(26,9%) (28,7%) (28,4%)(26,0%)(22,8%) (63,7%) (70,9%) (70,6%) (73,1%) (71,3%) (71,6%) (74,0%) (77,2%) from 2000 Metropolitan Area included Torino and 31 municipalitiesi 2008 trends Mobility
Quality car trends Score out of 10 Global final judgement
Since now CATI (Computer Aided Telephone Interview has been adopted. Families whose members will be interviewed are chosen from phone public directories (the “families” one). People are interviewed at their home (fixed line) telephone. From 2 to 4 “redundant” samples are selected; a letter is sent to all families belonging to first + redundant samples in order to advise them. The sample is selected in order to be representative of the “universe” of citizens (older than 10). But the only “known” universe is the “official” residents one, and sample results are “expanded” to this “known” universe. Some aspects about this methodology might be discussed, due to decrease of “fixed line” phones (increase of mobile phones diffusion) decrease of presence of existing fixed lines in public phone directories (for privacy reasons) increase of presence of “non resident” citizens (university students, tourists, immigrants, temporary workers and other city users) presence of citizens living in “communities” (students’ hostels, religious and military structures, etc.) Methodological aspects
The Mobility and Quality Survey 2008 Last year a decision of investigating these phenomena was taken. “Face to face” surveys, in addiction to usual CATI one (which took place in April- May), were designed and programmed. They started in October and are still running in these days. The goal is: to estimate the number “non resident” citizen living in the area to estimate the number of citizens who cannot be got in touch by “fixed” phone to estimate the number of city users who live outside the Province of Torino but come in and get out daily to investigate the mobility behaviour of these categories
Kind of interview in Survey 2008 Interviews were held in: households railways and buses stations trains motorways inter-urban roads airport students’ hostels and will be held in religious communities military quarters An addiction survey could take place in order to estimate the number of “resident but not present” people.
Two figures First provisional results show: about 40% of families are not listed in phone public directories inside the city of Torino about 30% of families are not listed in phone public directories outside the city of Torino because they own only mobile phones or, mostly, because they didn’t give (or forgot to give) permission to be listed in public directories. A small minority don’t own any phone.
Conclusions This presentation wants only to communicate what Agenzia per la Mobilità Metropolitana is doing in the field of “mobility knowledge”. Should anyone be interested, we will be happy to exchange experience. Should anyone be involved in the past in problems like the ones presented, we will be happy to learn from them. Finally Agenzia per la Mobilità Metropolitana will be happy to host people of other Authorities interested in the topics presented (as staff exchange). Agenzia per la Mobilità Metropolitana Via Belfiore 23/C I Torino - Italy