Mission: One By One No one left behind.
2 HEALTH CHECK-UP QUESTIONS Do you smoke? Do you exercise? Do you drink? How much? Family history? Allergies? VISUAL ASSESSMENT “Hey, you don’t look healthy...” QUESTIONS Do you smoke? Do you exercise? Do you drink? How much? Family history? Allergies? VISUAL ASSESSMENT “Hey, you don’t look healthy...”
3 NUMBERS BMI (height & weight): Cholesterol (LDL, HDL, Triglycerides): Total below 200 Blood Pressure: 120/80 Resting Heart Rate: PSA: ? Blood Sugar: ? RESULTS: Provides an accurate picture of health and a prediction about your future. NUMBERS BMI (height & weight): Cholesterol (LDL, HDL, Triglycerides): Total below 200 Blood Pressure: 120/80 Resting Heart Rate: PSA: ? Blood Sugar: ? RESULTS: Provides an accurate picture of health and a prediction about your future.
4 QUESTIONS How old is your company? What was your last convention like? Are your products consumable? QUESTIONS How old is your company? What was your last convention like? Are your products consumable?
5 QUESTIONS How many commission runs have you done? How many were late? How many million-dollar earners have you created? How many multi-million-dollar earners? QUESTIONS How many commission runs have you done? How many were late? How many million-dollar earners have you created? How many multi-million-dollar earners?
What types of destinations does your company take its top salespeople (incentives and rewards)? Italy, Thailand, Hawaii, France, Greece, Egypt, Borneo, Cayman Islands, Canary Islands, Monaco, Dubai, etc. etc. 6 MLM CHECK-UP
QUESTIONS How many countries are you in? How long have you been in “pre-launch”? 7
QUESTIONS 8 Brand spirit? Ask questions about commercial organizations in society. People are looking for demonstrations of good corporate citizenship. Brand spirit? Ask questions about commercial organizations in society. People are looking for demonstrations of good corporate citizenship.
Education Drinking water Health care Housing Basic comfort Community safety Nutrition 9 MLM CHECK-UP
10 MLM CHECK-UP FAMILY HISTORY Industry knowledge of owners? Nutritional background of owners? VISUAL ASSESSMENT “Hey, your company is ghetto.” RESULTS: Maybe the odds are against success. FAMILY HISTORY Industry knowledge of owners? Nutritional background of owners? VISUAL ASSESSMENT “Hey, your company is ghetto.” RESULTS: Maybe the odds are against success.
11 COMPARISON TO START-UPS Oh, you’re a start-up?...and you haven’t actually sold any product yet?...or written one commission check? Oh, you’re a start-up?...and you haven’t actually sold any product yet?...or written one commission check?
12 XANGO XANGO is a place where it’s safe to dream. Recognition isn’t just for movie stars. We create an environment that builds confidence and personal development. XANGO is a place where it’s safe to dream. Recognition isn’t just for movie stars. We create an environment that builds confidence and personal development.
15 DARE to COMPARE WHY XANGO created more Millionaires in the shortest time! Actual 50% payout to INFINITY (Industry average 37%) NO Breakage..LESS than 1% of companies can say that! Volume Based without structure requirements NO frontline requirements Can get to Premier with only THREE TEAMS Lifestyle Bonus (Car Bonus) at only $10,000 in team volume 9 Level UniLevel (most 6-7 levels) 5% on 9th Level (Highest in industry) Worldwide Customer Pools (1K’s to 5K’s)
16 DARE to COMPARE WHY XANGO created more Millionaires in the shortest time! Worldwide Global Bonus Pools (Premier & Above) Nothing Beats Free (Qualify for FREE products with just 3 customers) ADP Rewards (Customer Loyalty Program) Dynamic Compression to Infinity! Every penny paid out at the end of every month! Rank Advancement Bonus’s (RAB) Up to $200,000 Incentives, Trips, Awards, and More
17 Life is about CHOICES