Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks: A Nightmare for eCommerce Jearanai Muangsuwan Strayer University
Agenda DoS Attacks: What are they? Distributed Denial of Service Attacks DoS Attacks: Smurf Attacks, TCP SYN Attacks, UDP Attacks, TCP Attacks, Teardrop DDoS Attacks: Floodnet, Trin00, Tribal Flood Network The Impact of DoS Attacks on the Enterprise Defending Against DoS: Prevention through Policies and Actions, Response to an Attack What the Future Holds
DoS Attacks: What are they? “DoS Attacks are an explicit attempt by hackers to prevenbt access to any service that a network offers”
Distributed Denial of Service Attacks IP Spoofing Network Flooding
DoS Attacks Smurf Attacks TCP SYN Attacks UDP Attacks TCP Attacks Teardrop
DDoS Attacks Floodnet Trin00 Tribal Flood Network
The Impact of DoS Attacks on the Enterprise Property Damage Consulting IT department productivity loss Productivity loss in other departments Damage to the corporate reputation Revenue loss Customer relationships
Defending Against DoS Security Policy Use of secure operating systems Install firewalls Use intrusion detection software (IDS) Use scanners Distribute anti-virus software Regularly validate installed software inventories
Use clients with enhanced security capabilities for network access, and establish access rights via hardware-based security elements Implement a user administration system Establish rules for password selection on clients Perform security audits on a regular basis Have a clear policy for action when an employee leaves the company for any reason
What the Future Holds “ As the battle to ensure the security of the corporate assets continues, as one vulnerability is reduced, the attackers seek and find another. And so the vicious cycle continues ” Be Proactive!!!!!!!!!
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