Creating the 2040 Regional Transportation Plan
Today’s Presentation Now Developing the Next RTP Very Early Stages of Development Website: Partner with us to spread the word
1.Transportation Planning 2.Demographic Forecast 3.System Overview RTP Update Revenue Forecast 6.Vision and Goals
1. Transportation Planning
Who is H-GAC? Houston-Galveston Area Council serves: 13 counties 105 cities Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for 8-county metro area
What is the RTP? “Blueprint” for transportation system Goals and Performance Measures Cost/Benefits Analysis Financial Plan Priorities and Development Steps
Why Update the RTP? Vision and Goals New Demographic and Financial Data Extend the Planning Horizon to 2040 Analyze Investment Options Get Public Input on Direction, Priorities
Where are we? RTP DEVELOPMENT PROCESS Phase 1: Phase 1: Initial Assessment Initial Assessment Update Demographics Review Goals and Vision Define Challenges/Gaps Public Outreach (Jan-Mar 2013) Phase 2: Phase 2: Corridor Analysis Corridor Analysis Evaluate Alternative Transportation Scenarios Develop Financial Plan Develop Priorities and Strategies Public Outreach (Early 2014) Phase 3: Phase 3: Regional Analysis Regional Analysis Finalize Investment Priorities Establish Performance Measures and Standards Determine Regional Impacts (Air Quality, Environment, Social Justice) Final Public Comment (Summer 2014)
2. Demographic Forecast
Region will grow by 3.3 Million Source: HGAC Demographic Model In Millions
The population will be older… Source: HGAC Demographic Model Age Groups Millions
…and more diverse Source: HGAC Demographic Model Ethnicities Millions
Economic Changes Statewide Source: HGAC Financial Model Growth Rate
3. System Overview
What is our System Today? Roads 10,363 highway lane miles 19,900 arterial street lane miles Transit 4,397 fixed route miles 204 HOV lane miles Bikeways 500 designated on-street miles 434 miles off-street
Expenditures TOTAL = $13.0B
RTP Update
2035 RTP Capital Priorities
2035 RTP Expenditures = $85.6 B By Mode
2035 RTP Expenditures = $85.6 B $Billions 42% 7% 7% 41% By Function
Revenue Forecast
Revenue Forecast = $93.7 B Mode Source
Local Sources = $61.1 B
6. Vision and Goals
Vision Statement In the year 2040, our region will have a safe, multimodal transportation system through coordinated investments that allow for a desirable quality of life, enhanced economic vitality and a high level of safety, access and mobility.
Goal: Mobility Ensure travel is safe and reliable for people and goods Maximize mobility and access to jobs, goods, services and global markets Provide meaningful and equitable transportation options
Goal: Stewardship Keep the transportation system in a state of good repair Manage transportation system assets efficiently and effectively
Goal: Prosperity Support the region’s economic development and competitiveness Enhance community health and quality of life by improving air quality and environmental conditions, and conserving natural resources
Goal: Implementation Deliver investments quickly and cost- effectively that incorporate life cycle costs Encourage regional coordination, cooperation and decision making
We Want Your Input Take Action! Go to Provide feedback Tell others Open House Meeting H-GAC March 19 6p-8p What’s next? Analyze results of feedback Start Phase II Development Early 2014: Ask for your input again
Contacts: For Information on the RTP Roland Strobel Chief Transportation Planner (713) To Schedule a Presentation Rosalind Hebert Public Information Planner (713) Go To