Italy! Maddie Golly
Italy information: Population: 60.6 million people. Population: 60.6 million people. Religion: Catholicism. Religion: Catholicism. The country makes a boot shape at the bottom of Europe with the Mediterranean sea bordering it. The country makes a boot shape at the bottom of Europe with the Mediterranean sea bordering it. This country is known for their romance. This country is known for their romance.
Italian Flag: White- Peace and Honesty White- Peace and Honesty Green- Hope, Joy and Love in many cultures have a scared significant. Green- Hope, Joy and Love in many cultures have a scared significant. Red- Hardiness, bravery, Strength & Valour Red- Hardiness, bravery, Strength & Valour Italian Currency: 1 USD= EUR 1 USD= 1, ITL
Things to know before traveling: Italy has major earthquakes but on the fault line. Italy has major earthquakes but on the fault line. Volcanoes are also big in Italy. Volcanoes are also big in Italy. The crime rate of Italy is moderate but at night be extra cautious. The crime rate of Italy is moderate but at night be extra cautious. If you have been drinking, situations with crime makes it a higher chance to be a victim of a crime. If you have been drinking, situations with crime makes it a higher chance to be a victim of a crime. In the large city pick pocketing, theft from parking lots, and parking lots are very common. Criminals only work in pairs. There are many hospitals in Italy. Italy has the highest rate of car accidents. Their driving conditions differ a lot for those in the United States. When walking around in this country pedestrians should be very cautious to their surroundings at all times.
A few words: Hello- Hello- Goodbye- Goodbye- Thank you- Thank you- Your welcome- Your welcome- Where is the airport?- Where is the airport?- How much money?- How much money?- Can I have a ride In your taxi?- Can I have a ride In your taxi?- Can I convert my money?- Can I convert my money?- Ciao Arrivederci Grazie La vostra accoglienza Dov'è l'aeroporto? Quanti soldi? Posso hve un giro in taxi? Posso convertire i miei soldi?
Making Appointments: During summer vacations, you have to be aware of what is closed because a lot of things close. During summer vacations, you have to be aware of what is closed because a lot of things close. 1 st May: Labour Day Festa dei Lavoratori. 1 st May: Labour Day Festa dei Lavoratori. April 25°: Anniversary of Liberation Festa della Liberazione. April 25°: Anniversary of Liberation Festa della Liberazione. 1 st November: All Saints Ognissanti. 1 st November: All Saints Ognissanti.
Business Dress: Dressing well is a huge priority in Italy. Dressing well is a huge priority in Italy. Your clothing reflects who you are as a person on a daily basis. Your clothing reflects who you are as a person on a daily basis. Men wear expensive clothing to work. They never wear short sleeves; even during the summer. They wear knee high socks are considered elegant and are worn on a regular basis. Men wear expensive clothing to work. They never wear short sleeves; even during the summer. They wear knee high socks are considered elegant and are worn on a regular basis. Men also have accessories they wear. Men also have accessories they wear. Women have to dress with class. They normally wear dresses and have great style with accessories. Women have to dress with class. They normally wear dresses and have great style with accessories. The Italian women wears more make up than the average American women. The Italian women wears more make up than the average American women. Stockings are worn everyday during the winter. But the summer its very unlikely for women to wear stockings. Stockings are worn everyday during the winter. But the summer its very unlikely for women to wear stockings. Perfumes & colognes are often worn by both men and women. Perfumes & colognes are often worn by both men and women. Smoking= black tie attire. Smoking= black tie attire. Shorts are unacceptable in public. Shorts are unacceptable in public.
Topics of Conversation. Conversation- Italian Architecture Italian Architecture Arts and films Arts and films Sports (soccer) Sports (soccer) Food and wine Food and wine Country side and landscape Country side and landscape Opera Opera Praise Praise Current events Current events Culture Culture Topics to Avoid- Religion Politics Taxes The Mafia World War 2 Negative stereotyping Questioning about family events.
Addressing others. You must be invited before using first names. You must be invited before using first names. Most Italians start with a more formal name. (family name) Most Italians start with a more formal name. (family name) Some continue even when working with the person for years. Some continue even when working with the person for years. Moving to quickly with using first names can make the person feel very uncomfortable. Moving to quickly with using first names can make the person feel very uncomfortable.
Acceptable Behavior. Prefer third party introduction. Prefer third party introduction. Shake hands with everyone in the group. Shake hands with everyone in the group. Italians will greet people they know with an embrace. Italians will greet people they know with an embrace. Italians are very animated and like to gesture with their hands. Italians are very animated and like to gesture with their hands. People will walk arm and arm/ holding hands at night. People will walk arm and arm/ holding hands at night.
Gift Giving. In Italian business does not practice gift giving but around Christmas its common for clients to give gifts. In Italian business does not practice gift giving but around Christmas its common for clients to give gifts. Some gifts range from a good wine to food. Some gifts range from a good wine to food. For a more important customer the client will give a more important gift such as a silver ornament. For a more important customer the client will give a more important gift such as a silver ornament. There are rules as to what gifts you can accept going along with the price range. There are rules as to what gifts you can accept going along with the price range. When invited to a dinner you should always bring a gift with you to show respect towards the persons home. When invited to a dinner you should always bring a gift with you to show respect towards the persons home.
Negotiating. Most of Italy’s person’s work for a large company that speaks very well English. Most of Italy’s person’s work for a large company that speaks very well English. Some family owned business’s hardly speak English at all. If this is the case you have to meet with the decision maker in the business or the person who speaks most English. Some family owned business’s hardly speak English at all. If this is the case you have to meet with the decision maker in the business or the person who speaks most English. Without the decision maker the business would be very slow and have no control with the travelers who come to Italy. Without the decision maker the business would be very slow and have no control with the travelers who come to Italy.
Entertaining/Dining Breakfast is very uncommon in the business world. Breakfast is very uncommon in the business world. Hospitality plays a huge role In business. Usually dining in a dinner no matter how you feel. Hospitality plays a huge role In business. Usually dining in a dinner no matter how you feel. Business dinners involve a specific group of people. Very small. Business dinners involve a specific group of people. Very small. Smoking is not aloud in public places. Smoking is not aloud in public places.
Conclusion. In Italy, there are many similarities as to what we do in the United States. The way we dress and how we act in public affect who we are towards other people. In Italy, there are many similarities as to what we do in the United States. The way we dress and how we act in public affect who we are towards other people. The only difference we really have is smoking in public. The United States allows this to happen in some states. Another difference is how we are allowed to dress. The United States doesn’t have a problem with how we look. We just have to look professional.