Existing counting facilities in the US Analysis centers at most Universities User fees – cheaper for University faculty Commercial Labs Longer turn around,


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Presentation transcript:

Existing counting facilities in the US Analysis centers at most Universities User fees – cheaper for University faculty Commercial Labs Longer turn around, more expensive, more standardized “Use for Others” at most national labs (Oak Ridge, LANL, BNL) A few shallow  middle depth sites open for users LBL Bldg72 and Oroville Dam – now LOMO at PNNL - soon Deep screening sites are only in development stage WIPP (MEGA ) Soudan:  -screening capability in SOLO Plans to create a multi-purpose LBCF Really, Really Deep sites are DUSEL era DEPTH

Sensitivity for US Sites Surface counters LBL Bldg 72, PNNL, and many other places etc. Shielded on surface PNNL 17-A LBNL Oroville mwe Soudan, MEGA LoMoCF estimate

Berkeley Complex: Surface and Shallow Site under same umbrella organization: Institute of Nuclear and Particle Astrophysics STAFF Kevin Lesko Al Smith Dick McDonald Donna Hurley

Throughput determined by number of Ge detectors Bldg72 has NaI counters and a 130% HPGe, Oroville has a 80% p-type HPGe Major User: SNO (screened virgin and machined acrylic, plastic resins, PMT envelopes, internal components, stainless steel, etc.) Also Clean room preparation and operation, sample handling procedures Sensitivity is currently limited by detector contamination Bldg 72 (LBL) Dam (140 mi) from LBL

PNNL – UW Complex: Surface + 17-A ULB + new initiative at Lower Monumental Dam 1 hr from PNNL 37 meters of overburden Operated by US Army Corp of Engineers

Inside LoMo Counting Facility: Currently being used as cosmogenic isolation space for copper stock and MEGA parts Plan is to install gamma screening in lead cave. Funding is in place. 4’ 1’ 4’ 1’1’1’ Water trough ~8’ Person Access 4-person elevator access Two sets of 3 HPGe counters with active cosmic veto shield UW J.A. Formaggio J.F. Wilkerson PNNL C.E. Aalseth R.L. Brodzinski T. Hossbach H.S. Miley J.L. Orrell

WIPP DOE Facility Impressive infrastructure Modest depth (1600 mwe) Science not primary mission SEGA underground by next summer (not a screener) Assembling MEGA at WIPP now. 1st detector ready to take data Completed in a couple years.

Low background Screening and Prototyping Facility at the Soudan Underground Lab Last Soudan2 proton decay calorimeters (at back) were removed Nov 23 rd 2004 SOLO HPGe Jim Reeves: Cu Electroforming SBIR + Cu screening detector (microBq/kg) Diode M (35%) Twin (75%) UF detector (100%) Arrives 3 rd week in March

Low background Screening and Prototyping Facility at the Soudan Underground Lab CDMS offices CDMS Aux Clean Room BFand SiLi detector, leaching lab? other? Veto shield repaired last summer DAQ: location & time stamp for each muon

Medtronics “suitcase” experiment (soft memory errors) COUPP dark matter prototype (J. Collar) Phase 2 proposal (Reeves SBIR) Fabricate Ge detectors (Princeton Gamma-Tech SBIR) Neon dark matter prototype (James White, TAMU) XENON going to Italy for the espresso and climate? Other near term users (in ranked-order of real  maybe)

Strategy for Soudan LBCF Create minimum facility now DOE University supplements for infrastructure (power feed, technician, lease fee) Define fee structure for users & sign EPS Continue to improve gamma screening Fix Twin, upgrade electronics, upgrade DAQ, Diode-M becomes pre-screener, UF HPGe into castle Provide novel beta screeners through CWRU, Caltech … (or possible MRI 2006) Take this next year to Increase size of collaboration Modify design according to input and new users Put in complete proposal next Fall ‘05 Funding from NSF, DOE (HEP and Nuc) implies main justification must be from Astro/HEP/Nucl community. Reduce financial impact by maintaining it thru user fees to other groups DUSEL is a different model – can we get other divisions involved?

University of Minnesota Intercollegiate Grant 1.Seek out other user communities for LBCF 2.Coordinate low level counting/analysis across sites Examples of other user communities involved: Tritium and 14 C in groundwater Radioactive environmental sampling (accidental release of radio-isotopes) Exposure assessment studies ( 14 C as a tracer of particiulate lung burden) Epidemiological studies of uranium workers (tissue samples) Short-lived isotopes for sediment dating Tracers in uptake and transport (geomicrobiology) Bioremediation studies etc etc… These “other” users need well-type HPGe, chemical separation, sample handling AND beta-counting applications ( 14 C, 3 H, 40 K) DUSEL work has uncovered new synergies with geomicrobiology, geology, hydrology WORKSHOP in Minneapolis in July to explore these synergies

Material to be screened: Ge, Si wafers LEDs Copper (detector holders, icebox, copper tape) Low activity solder, silver epoxy, brass screws, cables and connectors Magnetic shield Striplines, side coaxes and squet cards, kevlar Shielding materials (inner lead, outer lead, copper, polyethylene) Estimated samples/year (including replicates): 36 samples/year (HPGe) 12 samples/year (Ge, Si wafers) contaminant screened or isotope(s) analyzed 238-U, 232-Th, 40-K, 60-Co, 134-Cs, 137-Cs, 207-Bi, 210-Pb sensitivity desired (ppb or Bq/kg): 100 mBq/kg to < 0.5 mBq/kg SuperCDMS (response to DUSEL survey) Laura’s first draft How many of these can go through ICPMS or other? How many ultra-low samples?

Ante- room Multi- purpose clean room Clean room over tank Water ports with crane Electro form 40 ft Upper mezzanine above tank top User shielding Clean room over tank anteroom Clean room Water tank Shielded bays mezzanine anteroom radon scrubbing plenum. stairs current mezzanine Muon veto shield 100 ft Drawings and Design Consultation: Short Elliott Henderson Engineering, Inc

Figure E-16 from the Homestake Reference Design Secure lab Emanation and leaching laboratory (TBA) Pool 2 Gd-loaded liq. Scint for neutron sensitivity or Mini-Borexino for U/Th down to g/g Pool 1 12 m cube – ultra-pure water NAA Laboratory + general environmental sample handling Built-in liq. Scint acrylic thimble ports read out by PMT’s for U/Th down to g/g