McNaughton-McKay Progress 9.1D Training Jeffrey A. Brown - Technical Support Consultant
Agenda: SX.enterprise concepts Progress 9.x architecture Marc/scripts/configuration Maintenance
SX.enterprise Concepts
Client/server vs self serving clients Appserver
SX.enterprise Concepts Double click on SX.e icon –Prowin32 Database connection via code –Connecting to database –pf … –Autoserver connection Login box Status window – Appserver connection
User 1 _mprosrv Shared Memory prowin32.db
User 1AutoServer.db prowin32 _mprosrv Shared Memory
User 1 prowin32.db AutoServer _mprosrv Shared Memory
User 1 prowin32 AppServer.db AutoServer _mprosrv Shared Memory
Appserver Discussion
User 1 AppServerDatabase Appserver Discussion
User requests customer address
User 1 AppServerDatabase Appserver Discussion
User requests a price for a specific customer
User 1 AppServerDatabase Appserver Discussion
User 1 AppServerDatabase Appserver Discussion
User 1 AppServerDatabase Appserver Discussion
Appserver Discussion - Summary Users are connected to Appserver and Database Small requests do not use Appserver Larger requests go through Appserver Need to have large pipe between Database Server and Appserver Server
Progress 9.x Architecture
Progress 9.x Architecture - Summary Admin Server NameServer AppBrokers –AppServers Database Brokers –AutoServers
Progress 9.x Architecture.db
Progress 9.x Architecture Admin Server.db /rd/bin/admin.start
Progress 9.x Architecture Admin Server.db Name Server Starts
Progress 9.x Architecture Admin Server DB Broker.db Name Server Starts /rd/bin/dbbroker.start
Progress 9.x Architecture Admin Server App Broker DB Broker.db Name Server Starts /rd/bin/appbroker.start
Progress 9.x Architecture Admin Server App Broker DB Broker.db Name Server Registers
Progress 9.x Architecture Admin Server App Broker DB Broker.db Name Server User 1
Progress 9.x Architecture Admin Server App Broker DB Broker.db Name Server User 1 Connects
Progress 9.x Architecture Admin Server App Broker DB Broker.db Name Server User 1 Auto Server Starts Connects
Progress 9.x Architecture Admin Server App Broker DB Broker.db Name Server User 1 Auto Server Disconnects
Progress 9.x Architecture Admin Server App Broker DB Broker.db Name Server User 1 Auto Server Connects
Progress 9.x Architecture Admin Server App Broker DB Broker.db Name Server User 1 Auto Server Connects
Progress 9.x Architecture Admin Server App Broker DB Broker.db Name Server User 1 Auto Server Disconnects
Progress 9.x Architecture Admin Server App Broker DB Broker.db Name Server User 1 Auto Server Connects
Progress 9.x Architecture Admin Server App Broker DB Broker.db Name Server User 1 App Server Auto Server Starts Connects
Progress 9.x Architecture Admin Server App Broker DB Broker.db Name Server User 1 App Server Auto Server Disconnects
Progress 9.x Architecture Admin Server App Broker DB Broker.db Name Server User 1 App Server Auto Server Connects
Progress 9.x Architecture Admin Server App Broker DB Broker.db Name Server User 1 App Server Auto Server
Progress 9.x Architecture Admin Server App Broker DB Broker.db Name Server User 1 App Server Auto Server
Progress 9.x Architecture Admin Server App Broker DB Broker.db Name Server User 1 App Server Auto Server
Progress 9.x Architecture Firewall considerations –-minport –-maxport
Progress 9.x Architecture DB Broker.db User 1 Auto Server Firewall
Progress 9.x Architecture DB Broker.db User 1 Auto Server Firewall
Progress 9.x Architecture DB Broker.db User 1 Auto Server Firewall
Progress 9.x Architecture DB Broker.db User 1 Auto Server Firewall Cannot connect
Progress 9.x Architecture DB Broker.db User 1 Auto Server Firewall
Progress 9.x Architecture DB Broker.db User 1 Auto Server Firewall Port 1025+
Progress 9.x Architecture DB Broker.db User 1 Auto Server Firewall -minport -maxport
Progress 9.x Architecture - Summary Admin Server is the key Name Server directs users to App Brokers App Brokers spawn App Servers Database Brokers spawn Auto Servers Firewall considerations –-minport & -maxport –Nameserver - UDP
NxTrend Standard Ports
Most are defined in MARC Should be defined in the /etc/services file Test ports are the same using 7200 range
NxTrend Standard Ports nxt7100/tcp# SX database appsrv7120/tcp# SX appserver twl7160/tcp# TWL twlappsrv7161/tcp# TWL appserver twlsxappsrv7162/tcp# TWL SX appserver nxtadmsrv7180/tcp# adminserver port nxtadmsrvadmin7181/tcp# adminserver admin port nxtnamesrv7182/tcp# nameserver port
Storage Areas and Extents
Progress v8.x - Extents Extent Disk Storage - Files Extent
Progress v8.x – Database Extents nxt.db nxt.d1 nxt.d2 nxt.d3 nxt.d4 nxt.d5 nxt.d6 nxt.d7 nxt.d8 nxt.d9 nxt.d10
Progress v9.1x - Storage Areas Area 6Area 7Area 8 Extent Disk Storage - Files Table ATable B Index A-1Index B-1 Table C Table D Index C-1 Index D-1Index E-1 Table E Area 51 Extent Index E
Progress v9.1x – Database Extents Schema Area (7) trhead (9) trlines (11) trother (13) trsm (15) trstat (17) trtrans (19) trcust (8) trhead_idx (10) trlines_idx (12) trother_idx (14) trsm_idx (16) trstat_idx (18) trtrans_idx (20) trcust_idx
Progress v9.1x – Database Extents nxt.dbnxt_10.d1nxt_14.d1nxt_18.d1 nxt.d1nxt_10.d2nxt_14.d2nxt_18.d2 nxt_7.d1nxt_10.d3nxt_14.d3nxt_18.d3 nxt_7.d2nxt_11.d1nxt_15.d1nxt_19.d1 nxt_7.d3nxt_11.d2nxt_15.d2nxt_19.d2 nxt_8.d1nxt_11.d3nxt_15.d3nxt_19.d3 nxt_8.d2nxt_12.d1nxt_16.d1nxt_20.d1 nxt_8.d3nxt_12.d2nxt_16.d2nxt_20.d2 nxt_9.d1nxt_12.d3nxt_16.d3nxt_20.d3 nxt_9.d2nxt_13.d1nxt_17.d1 nxt_9.d3nxt_13.d2nxt_17.d2 nxt_13.d3nxt_17.d3
Progress v9.1x - Increased Size Limits Database size: 16,384,000 gigabytes Before-Image size: 32,768 gigabytes Number of areas: 1,000 Database block size: 8,192 bytes Extent Size: 2 gigabytes * *Unless db and filesystem are large file enabled
MARC / Scripts & Configs
Marc Demo new Marc
New Scripts / Script Templates
New Scripts and New Names Many new scripts have been added to MARC’s script base Many more scripts had a name change to standardize names and functions
The Progress Admin Server These scripts help manage the Progress Admin and Name Servers admin.start admin.shut admin.query nameserver.query
The Database These scripts help manage the database brokers dbbroker.start dbbroker.shut dbbroker.query These are database utilities dbstats
The Application Broker These scripts help manage the Progress Application Brokers appbroker.start appbroker.shut appbroker.query
Parameter Files The following are a new set of parameter files for client connections
The Environment These scripts help manage this particular environment nxt.env nxtall.start nxtall.shut
Enterprise To start SX.enterprise, now use sxe sxe sxee sxeqde
The Report Manager These are the Report Manager scripts rptmgr.start rptmgr.shut
Binary Dump and Load These scripts are for Dump and Loads easybdsareabd bddriver.psareabddriver.p bddumpall.pbddumparea.p bdloadall.pbdloadarea.p bdscript.psareabdscript.p
After Imaging These scripts are for AI aimage.start aimage.shut aimage.backedup aimage.list aimage.archive aistats
Backups These are new standard backup scripts backup.full
RxServer RxServer scripts are now generated by MARC
Other Scripts These don’t fit anywhere else rdclean shutuser showuser config_rpt
TWL TWL scripts have been mostly rewritten MARC generates all of the needed TWL scripts TWL scripts now follow a standard naming convention
Additional TWL Application Broker These scripts help manage the Application Broker that manages TWL connections to the SX.enterprise database twlappbroker.start twlsxappsrv twlappbroker.shut twlsxappsrv twlappbroker.query twlsxappsrv TWL uses the twlappbroker scripts which are generated from TWLMARC. These twlappbrokers are for connections to the TWL database.
TWL RF Units These scripts are used to start the TWL application on RF units twlrf twlentrf
TWL End of Day These scripts are used to run TWL End of Day processing. These are usually called from the backup scripts The first script performs processing that requires a single-user connection to the DB while the second performs tasks using a normal multi-user connection to the DB twleod1 twleod2
TWL Interfaces The following scripts are used to manage the TWL interfaces twlsend.shuttwlrcv.shut twlsend.querytwlrcv.query
The Templates The next section describes the new Script Generator in MARC
MARC Generate Scripts MARC Databases -> Configure -> Generate Scripts Select the database(s) to generate scripts for Select the scripts to generate
Script Template All scripts generated by MARC are stored as templates These templates contain the form of the final script Critical portions of a template contain tags These tags get substituted with real values to generate a script
MARC Generate Scripts All of the templates reside in subdirectories under /rd/marc/scripts/template All templates must end with a.tpl These subdirectories are: base dg hp ibm sco intchan taxware twl
All of the templates in base are added to the list One system directory is included based on the selected machine type in Installations -> Configure (e.g. ibm ) If optional products are setup in MARC, then those templates are also included in the list (e.g. twl ) The custom directory is always checked first and overrides a standard template of the same name MARC Generate Scripts
Script templates may also be in /rd/marc/scripts/cust in the same subdirectories Copy the template from the directory under /rd/marc/scripts/template Custom Scripts
Template Tags There are two types of template tags –System tags (defined by MARC) –Custom tags (defined by the user) Tags are names enclosed in ‘ ’ –Example: The convention is to use tag names that are all capital letters
System Tags System tags are defined during the installation of MARC System tags contain values that MARC can get from the information in its own database System Tags can not be edited directly with the tag editor
Custom Tags Users may use the Tag Editor to create and edit tags. Custom tags are created by users or may be in some delivered scripts (e.g. Values for the tags can be assigned in two ways: –By answering the prompt when MARC finds an undefined tag –By using the tag editor in Databases -> Configure -> Tag Editor
The Tag Editor The tag editor allows the user to: –Create new custom tags –Modify existing custom tags –Delete custom tags
Example Template Here is a simple template echo “Hello, world!” Top two lines are reserved for formatting SCRIPTNAME is what the script will be called DESTDIR tells where the script will get created * Future (new to SX.e 4.0):
Script Naming All scripts should be prefaced with the environment name Use ENV before the script name to substitute in the environment name in the MARC that is generating the script
Destinations The destination directory can be a path The destination can be one of these predefined directories BIN OPSYS RD EXEC
Building A Script Here is a simple template “” echo “Hello, world!” Should be created in the../cust/base directory Generating script to /rd/bin/
Script Templates - Summary All scripts will be generated by MARC and are stored as templates Should no longer hand edit scripts Script issues will begin by regenerating all scripts New scripts are easily added and existing ones easily updated
Progress 9.x Properties Files
No database parameter files for Progress 9.x Admin server reads from “properties” files. The properties files are stanza based. Marc has been rebuilt to handle modifications to these files. You may also use the Progress Explorer Tool to make modifications. DO NOT edit these files by hand!
Progress 9.x Properties Files V8 used many parameter files (/rd/opsys/ $DLC/properties/ –Database Broker –All Databases Registered $DLC/properties/ –Admin Server –Name Server –App Broker –Etc. DO NOT edit these files by hand!
Progress 9.x Properties Files Utilities to help validate your changes: ubconfig nsconfig asconfig (-name appsrv) dbconfig These utilities are in $DLC/bin
Report Managers/ Queues
In Graphical SX.e all printing is handled by Report Manager. New –param options for Report Manager Define different Report Managers for each Queue Prevents Report Managers from being too busy to pick up “on demand” jobs. Provides method of running jobs sequentially
Report Managers/Queues -param _d- Demand Jobs Only. _lXXX - Log File Name where “XXX” is the full path of the log file. _uXXXX- The report manager will only process jobs for the specified user. _pXXX - Pause Time, where “XXX” is the pause time in seconds. Can be the first or second parameter, but must precede the _q parameter where both are used. Do not set the pause time to zero. _qXXX- Queue Name where “XXX” is the name of a print queue. _x - This report manager will not support the blank queue.
Report Managers/Queues rptmgr - poepp User 1 rptmgr - oerd rptmgr - poepp rptmgr - arrp rptmgr - smrs
Report Managers/Queues Setup the queue in SX.e Copy the rptmgr.start script to a new script example: rptmgrOE.start Modify the new rptmgr.start command line –Sample -param with pause time of 5 seconds and queue name of OE that only picks up jobs for this queue: -param _p5_qOE_x Modify the nxtall.start to include the new rptmgr.start
Report Managers/Queues rptmgrOE User 1 rptmgrSM - smrs rptmgrPO - poepp rptmgr – porr rptmgr - arrp _p5_qOE_x _p5_qSM_x _p5_qPO_x _p5 _p5_d
Disconnecting Users - shutuser script
Using shutuser & showuser Risks in shutting a user out Never use kill -9
User 1 _mprosrv _progres u Shared MemoryVirtual tables u1.db ltp Syntax:# shutuser PID
User 1 _mprosrv prowin32 Server u Shared MemoryVirtual tables u1.db ltp Syntax: # shutuser 0001sys
Progress 9.x Log Files
New log files in Progress 9.x $DLC/bin/proenv –$WRKDIR –exit out when done Most logs are found in /rd/tmp Some are in /db/sort
Progress 9.x Log Files admserv.log –exceptions.log –default.log –AdminServerSystemOut.log NS1.ns.log / appsrv.server.log rptmgr#### rptmgr.err
Progress 9.x Log Files dbstats.log –Summary –Empty blocks –Free blocks
Progress Monitor Utility - promon
Promon Progress Monitor utility $DLC/bin/promon Useful for performance monitoring as well as troubleshooting Database broker must be up to access promon Hidden menu R&D There are also hidden options in the hidden menus
Promon - Main Menu 1 - User control –used to see who is logged in 3 - Block Access –used to see number of records accessed –useful in troubleshooting hung/slow queries 4 - Record Locking Table –useful in troubleshooting locking issues related to code
Promon - Main Menu - Continued 5 - Activity –The most useful screen –The performance monitor screen –Displays number of transaction commits –Displays number of checkpoints –Displays number of buffers flushed –Displays percent APW writes –Displays percent BIW writes –Displays percent Buffer Hits (buggy)
Promon - Main Menu - Continued 5 - Activity - Continued –Displays the database size (includes fixed extents) –Displays the BI file size (includes extents) –Displays amount of DB Broker Shared Memory –Displays number of users logged in and how attached –Displays number of APW’s that are running –Displays number of AutoServers that are running
Promon - Main Menu - Continued 6 - Shared Resources –Displays db parameters –Displays lock table high water mark 7 - Database Status –Displays database block size –Displays the database high water mark –Displays number of free blocks below highwater mark –Displays BI block & cluster size –Displays database creation date (if multi-volume)
Promon - R&D Main Menu 1 - Status Displays 2 - Activity Displays 3 - Other Displays 4 - Administrative Functions
Promon - R&D, 1 - Status Displays 3 - Servers –Displays status information for Login Brokers (LB) & Auto Servers (AS) –Displays PID for active LB & AS –Displays active/inactive –Displays number of login attempts –Displays number of current logins –Displays maximum number of logins –Displays port numbers for active LB & AS
Promon - R&D, 1 - Status Displays - Continued 4 - Processes/Clients … –2 - Blocked Clients Used for troubleshooting “deadly embrace” locks Useful for troubleshooting “hung” processes –3 - Active Transactions Useful for troubleshooting unusual BI file growth Displays active transactions per user Displays information about each active transaction
Promon - R&D, 2 - Activity Displays 1 - Summary –Displays same info as Main Menu option #5 3 - Buffer Cache –use to correctly calculate Buffer Hits % 5 - BI Log –Displays BI file activity –useful in troubleshooting unusual BI file growth 13 - Other –Displays Wait on Semaphore information –useful in tuning -spin
Promon - R&D, 3 - Other Displays 1 - Performance Indicators –Useful in performance tuning 2 - I/O Operations by Process –Displays historical record read information per process –useful in troubleshooting lengthy processes 4 - Checkpoints –Displays historical checkpoint statistic information –useful in tuning checkpoint performance
Promon - R&D, 4 - Administrative Functions 4 - Adjust Latch Options –Used to tune -spin on the fly –Can only use this if -spin is set to at least 1
AI & Online Backups
After-Imaging (AI)
After-Imaging Progress’ after-imaging feature lets you recover a database if you lose the database or before image (BI) files. AI DB
Roll-Forwarding/ point-in-time recovery With roll-forward recovery, Progress uses data in the AI files to automatically reprocess all the transactions since the last good backup.
After-Imaging - How does it work? DB BI AI Shared Memory
After-Imaging - How does it work? DB BI AI Shared Memory
After-Imaging - How does it work? DB BI AI Shared Memory
After-Imaging - How does it work? DB BI AI Shared Memory
After-Imaging - How does it add up? AI files + Restored DB = DB just before the crash
DB BI AI Crashed: DB After-Imaging – How does recovery work?
DB BI AI Delete: DB & BI After-Imaging – How does recovery work?
DB BI AI Restored: DB & BI
After-Imaging – How does recovery work? DB BI AI Rollforward: AI to DB
After-Imaging – How does recovery work? DB BI AI Shared Memory No Data Lost!!!
Progress After-Imaging - The Setup
After-Imaging - The setup 5 fixed AI extents in /ai –round-robin the fixed ai extents aimage.archive moves full extents to /aisave Extent 1 Extent 3 Extent 2 Extent 5 Extent 4
After-Imaging - The key to it’s success /ai/aisave nxt.a1 nxt.a2 nxt.a3 nxt.1 nxt.2 nxt.3 nxt.4 nxt.5 Extent 1 Extent 2 Extent 3 Extent 1 Extent 2
After-Imaging - aistall DB startup parameter that halts the database The /db/nxt.lg and /rd/tmp/aimage.log files will tell you why the db “locked up/stalled”. All database activity will freeze Un-halt/un-stall the database by running /rd/bin/aimage.archive The database will take off right where it left off without losing any data.
After-Imaging – The AI Timeline
Must maintain the timeline After backup, immediately turn on AI After restoring, immediately roll in the ai files file stores/logs the database datestamp The database must match file datestamp
After-Imaging – The AI Timeline Backup DB Switch to file Start AI DB Start Switch to file Turning AI On nxt.a2nxt.a3nxt.a4
After-Imaging – The AI Timeline Backup DB The Crash Switch to file DB Start The Crash nxt.a2nxt.a3
After-Imaging – The AI Timeline Restore The DB Just before DB crashed Roll in file Roll in file The Recovery nxt.a1 nxt.a2 Backup DB DB Start file Start AI Roll in file nxt.a3
After-Imaging – The AI Timeline Common Mistakes Backup DB Switch to file Start AI DB Start nxt.a2nxt.a3 file The Crash
After-Imaging – The AI Timeline Common Mistakes Restore The DB Roll in file nxt.a1 DB Start Roll in file nxt.a1
After-Imaging Recovery Copy (cp –p) the /ai/nxt.a* files to /aisave –Must do the copy before restoring the database or you Will Lose Data –They may contain data needed to recover the database Restore the database Roll-forward all of the /aisave/nxt.# and /aisave/nxt.a# files with /rd/bin/ The /aisave/aisave.log will tell you which /aisave/nxt.# file to start with. Do Not Do Anything to the database before rolling in the ai files!
After-Imaging Summary Must maintain the timeline Use the aimage.archive if your database “stalls” No harm comes by attempting to roll the wrong file Rollforward won’t let you roll the wrong file
Progress’ Backup Utility - probkup
Probkup - Benefits Backs up all necessary database files Block-by-block integrity check of database Block-by-block crc check of back up Supports Online backups
Probkup - How it works Quiets/Halts the database updates Backs up file Un-quiets the database Backs up the database block-by-block Verifies the database by doing a crc check of the backup files Sends a return code for success or error
Database Blocks Backup Blocks Probkup - Online Backups
Database Blocks Backup Blocks 10 Probkup - Online Backups
Database Blocks Backup Blocks Probkup - Online Backups
Probkup - Standards This is the only supported online backup utility NxTrend only supports online backups to disk NxTrend only supports full backups not incremental NxTrend requires the database to come down once a week for offline maintenance AI is not required for probkup or vice-versa
Probkup – daily A cron job for calls backs up the database to disk verifies the backup w/crc check sends return code to sends the disk backup and other files to tape via cpio The database did not come down!!
Probkup – backup.full weekly A cron job for backup.full calls backs up the database to disk verifies the backup w/crc check sends return code to backup.full shuts the database down backup.full runs offline maintenance utilities backup.full starts the database backup.full sends the disk backup and other files to tape via cpio
AI & Online Backups - Summary A great insurance policy The standard of the future…
Business Continuity - DRP Build a good DRP and test it Keep more than one copy of the DRP on hand.
Review: Question & Answer Session
Questions ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
McNaughton-McKay Progress 9.1D Training