Health “The capacity to lead a satisfying life, fulfill ambitions, and accomodate to change” Ever changing process of trying to achieve one’s individual potential Wellness The combination of health and happiness Achieving balance in one’s mental, physical, emotional, social, environmental, and spiritual life
Being Active Exercise regularly Eat a well balanced diet Maintain a healthy body weight Get sufficient sleep Good physical fitness and confidence in one’s personal ability to take care of health problems
Look at success and failure and continue on Not worrying about failure, learning from it and moving on Know how to laugh The ability to understand one’s own feelings, accept limitations and achieve emotional stability
Like to learn Not intimidated by facts and figures Open minded A state in which one’s mind is engaged in lively interaction with the surrounding world
Friendly Interest in humanity and environment The ability to relate well to others, both within and outside of family
The effect of our surroundings Clean air Pure water shelter The capability to live in a clean and safe environment that is not detrimental to your health
Not tied to high salary “ideal Job” Still has routine tasks, but new challenges Ability to perform one’s job effectively and with skill under conditions that provide personal and team satisfaction, and that adequately rewards each individual
Spiritual Connected to a sense of meaning Leads to faith, love, joy, fulfillment Altruism Doing good for others is good for oneself
Occupation Emotional Physical Spiritual Mental Social Environment
Take calculated risks and set reasonable goals Find a friend to participate with you Start out doing a little each day Build on your successes Choose 10 min activities daily Incorporate Taking the stairs instead of an elevator Get off the bus a few blocks early Walk to your friends house instead of driving