References Prof. Nikos Siafakas MD,PhD. University of Crete
Why do we include references in a paper? To support argumentation To avoid accusations of plagiarism To show respect on other people’s work
Referencing systems Harvard system APA system Vancouver system Combined Alphabet-Number system How to write References: Library and Learning Resources. [Online] 2010 [cited 2010 Apr 20]; Available from: URL:
Harvard system Citation-by-author-and-date system (the paper is identified by first author’s name and year of publication) References are in alphabetical order 1. The University of Queensland. References/Bibliography Harvard Style: Based on Style manual for authors, editors and printers / revised by Snooks & Co [Online] 2009 [cited 2010 Apr 20]; Available from: URL:
APA system American Psychological Association referencing system In-text citations include the following information: Author’s name Date Page number
Vancouver system Most journals in medical sciences use the Vancouver system Citation-by-reference number In the list the references are in a numeric order in which they are first cited in the manuscript The University of Queensland. References/Bibliography Vancouver Style “How-to” guide. [Online] 2005 [cited 2010 Apr 20]; Available from: URL:
Combined Alphabet-Number system References are alphabetically listed according to author’s name Cited by numbers in the text
Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts submitted to Biomedical Journals References in numeric order References are cited in parentheses with Arabic numerals in a sequential order (as they first appear in text or table or figure legend) Titles of journals are abbreviated according to the style adopted by the NLM used for its journals database
Reference programs REFERENCE MANAGER 1)collects references from on line databases eg PubMed 2)organize your personal references into files 3)publish your Ref. collection to the Web 4)format bibliographies INSTANTLY(>1000 journals)
Reference of a book Names of authors, editors, compilers or the institution responsible (six et al, if more than six authors) Title of publication Edition if other than first Place of publication Publisher Year of publication Page numbers Series title and volume (if any) The University of Queensland. References/Bibliography Vancouver Style “How-to” guide. [Online] 2005 [cited 2010 Apr 20]; Available from: URL:
Reference of a book Siafakas NM, Anthonisen NR, Georgopoulos D, editors. Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. New York (NY): Marcel Dekker Inc; Author’s name Date Title Place Publisher
Reference of a journal article Name of authors (six et al if more than six authors) Title of article Title of journal (abbreviated) Year (month/day not necessary) of publication Volume number (and issue/part) Page number (no use of unnecessary digits) The University of Queensland. References/Bibliography Vancouver Style “How-to” guide. [Online] 2005 [cited 2010 Apr 20]; Available from: URL:
Reference of a journal article Some details to acknowledge: Organization as an author No author Article not in English: do not provide translation Volume with supplement Issue with supplement Volume with part Issue with no volume No issue or volume Pagination in Roman numerals A practical guide for health researchers: Guidelines on how to write references for scientific papers. [Online] [cited 20 Apr 2010]; Available from: URL:
Reference of a journal article Siafakas N. “In the Beginning” of COPD: is evolution important? Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2007; 175(5):423-4 Author’s name Article title Journal Date Issue Volume Pages
Other types of reference (DON’T DO IT) Newspaper articles Information must be given as in the case of a journal (full date of publication must be described) Websites Web site address/URL (accessed date) Conference proceedings Information must be given like in the case of a book Interviews Names of the interviewer & interviewee, date
Most important points of a list of references Keep it accurate Provide all the relevant details Keep it short (no prizes for quantity) Use a consistent format for the references Avoid cross-referencing from other articles without having read the original paper Cunningham SJ. How to... write a paper. J Orthod. 2004; 31(1):47-51 Lilleyman JS. How to write a scientific paper – a rough guide to getting published. Arch Dis Child. 1995; 72(3):268-70
Tips Make complete photocopies of the articles which are being referred (incl. page numbers, name of journal, issue etc.) Referencing a website note the web page Interviews make a note of the date How to write References: Library and Learning Resources. [Online] 2010 [cited 2010 Apr 20]; Available from: URL:
Few untold details and ‘instructions’ Reviewers randomly select a couple of references and check them Inaccurate style or content ‘reflects’ negatively Abstracts as references should be avoided Accepted articles are cited as ‘In press’ or ‘Forthcoming’ after written permission In case of not available sources, personal communication should be obtained with written permission BUT avoid them International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Preparing a Manuscript for Submission to a Biomedical Journal. [Online] 2009 [cited 2010 Apr 20]
References and Reviewers (Tips) Editors or Associate Editors usually find reviewers from the names of authors of the first few references
References and Reviewers (Tips) If your results and conclusions are against current knowledge, you could discuss with a humbled and not at all in a dogmatic manner, since same of the conflicting results may have been reported by one of your reviewers!
Conclusions Making the list of references shows professionalism SO BE ACCURATE Different formats of referencing; ensure you are using the correct format for the journal in question. READ THE INSTRUCTIONS