Infectious Conditions of the Lower Respiratory Tract
Tuberculosis Supportive Educative Nursing
Etiology Gram + AFB Exposure repeated Contamination Replication
Populations At Risk
Diagnosis Tuberculin skin test H & P CXR Sputum collection + AFB QuantiFERON-TB test
Mantoux tuberculin skin test Intradermal wheal Induration 48 to 72 hours Annually for healthcare workers
Medical Management Four drug regimen for six months (Centers for Disease Control): INH (isoniazid) Rifampin PZA (pyrazinamide) Ethambutol Follow up CXR Follow up bacteriostatic studies
Nursing Management Health Promotion Education Hand washing Isolation HEPA ( High-efficiency particulate air) masks Public/community health department
Vaccine & Immunizations TB Vaccine (BCG) BCG, or bacille Calmette-Guérin, is a vaccine for TB disease. Not widely used in the United States If you were vaccinated with BCG, you may have a positive reaction to a TB skin test. ( Centers for Disease Control website)
Nursing Diagnosis Ineffective breathing pattern r/t decreased lung capacity Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements r/t chronic poor appetite, fatigue, productive cough Noncompliance r/t lack of knowledge of disease process Ineffective health maintenance r/t lack of knowledge about disease process and therapeutic regimen Activity intolerance r/t fatigue, decreased nutritional status, chronic febrile episodes