Mediated Communication and Communication Literacy
Mediated Communication Mass Communication The process in which professional communicators use technology to share messages over great distances to influence large audiences. Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) Human interaction over computer environmnets Using electronic devices to communicate.
Mediated Communication Mass Mediated Communication Newspapers Television Magazines Internet
Mediated Communication Computer Mediated Comm. (CMC) listserv Bulletin Board Systems Blogs (web-logs) Instant Messaging Chat rooms
Computer Mediated Communication Computer Mediated Comm. Audio-video conferencing Same as face-to-face Multiuser environments “Virtual Communities” World of Warcraft Second-life
Computer Mediated Communication Synchronous communication Able to interact in real-time. Simultaneous back and forth communication. More like face-to face. Asynchronous communication Communication interaction has delays. Like writing a letter.
Computer Mediated Communication Digital Divide “a growing gap between those who have access to technology and those who do not” (p. 267). Effects older adults Effects the poor Who else?
Computer Mediated Communication What does access to technology give us? Why is the digital divide such an important issue to understand?
Media Effects Gatekeeping The process of determining what news, information, or entertainment will reach a mass audience. (p. 258) A few powerful people decide what is important enough for you to see.
…Just one company
Media Effects Agenda Setting When the media pay attention to certain topics, they determine, or set the agenda for, what topics are discussed by individuals and society. (p. 258) Example: Reality TV Example: Michael Jackson’s death
Media Effects Cultivation effect Heavy television and media use leads people to perceive reality as consistent with the portrayals they see on television. (p. 260) Imagine if TV was all you could watch and you couldn’t leave your house. What is seen/heard and what is not.
Computer Mediated Communication Questions????
Activity Use your laptop to search your designated news website or thumb- through your newspaper. What stories are presented? What are we told is important? What topics will you discuss with others? How do these influence your perception of the world? Complete worksheet.