Class of 2018 New Grad Requirement The Beyond HS Plan
Credit and Required Coursework Seat Time (Attendance) Performance (Grade) Pass the High School Proficiency Exam (HSPE)/Smarter Balanced Reading and Writing End of Course Exam (EOC) in Algebra I, Geometry, and Biology Develop a Beyond High School Plan formerly was Component of Student Portfolio Graduation Requirements for South Kitsap School District
English 4 credits (= 4 years) Math (min. Alg II)3 credits (or 3-4*) Social Studies3 credits Science2 credits (or 3-4*) Physical Ed2 credits incl Health Career Tech Ed1 credit The Arts1 credit General Electives7 credits (language*) HS Graduation Requirements *Graduation versus University Entrance
The High School Diploma
1.Washington Occupations Information System 2.“It’s Your Future” booklet 3. On Tracks SKHS course catalog Marcus Whitman Resources
Explore Career Pathways Explore many post HS options/pathways Career Interest Survey (WOIS) Identify pathway(s) of interest and/or skill The Freshman Year of the Beyond HS Plan
Career Pathways: a tool Based upon: Interests Based upon Skills Based upon Natural Abilities
Register for next year’s courses based upon pathway Take PSAT (optional in Oct) Meet with Counselor Individually, large and small groups The Freshman Year of the Beyond HS Plan Cont.
Attend Career Fair (November 7, 2014) College Visit (optional) Review It’s Your Future Review Credit Check for grad status Done Oct, then Feb, June – at home Again in September at SKHS The Freshman Year of the Beyond HS Plan Cont.
MW Sept June Semester 1Semester 2 90 days SKHS Sept June.5 credits.5 credit.333 credits.5 credit Credit recovery, summer.5 credit = 180 days for original credit
Develop a Four Year Educational Plan On Tracks (pp6-7) on Guidance website class handout The Freshman Year of the Beyond HS Plan Cont.
The Four Year Plan in pencil!
---Meet with Counselor about Educational Plan/Goals Individually, large group, lunch tables, small group ---Discuss Educational Goals with Parents/Guardians Target Dates, Registration signatures, Parent Conferences, progress reports, Family Access, planner The Freshman Year of the Beyond HS Plan Cont.
Job Shadow month of April Sign up for Career Remind 101 on SKHS Career website The Freshman Year of the Beyond HS Plan Cont.
How may I best help my student? Model and encourage good sleep habits and attendance Attend parent conferences Encourage communication Encourage homework habits
How may I best help my student? Monitor stress and frustration Work WITH student Celebrate successes Create a Regroup Plan if some challenges occur
How may I best help my student? Provide physical health and time for exercise Keep the goal in mind Effects of phones and iPads.
What you can do NOW – Attend school Create YOUR system Do the work (organization, routine, stay caught up with work) Check how you’re doing; ask for help Continue Activities, Volunteer and Paid Work records Day by day with goals in mind
A-KMr. Fogel ; L-ZMrs. Little ; Intern Mrs. Roberts SecretaryMrs. Smart/White Here to help ---