By Nia Garcia and Noor Mohammed
Question (Problem) What are tsunami’s? How can I prepare for one? When do tsunamis occur? What causes a tsunami?
Hypothesis If there is a tsunami then I will pack life jackets, food, and water. I would move from the section where the area is going to hit badly and stay with my family.
Research Tsunami - A cataclysm resulting from a destructive sea wave caused by an earthquake or volcanic eruption. Tsunami- Is a series of HUGE water waves. Tsunami - Japanese term meaning wave (“nami”) in a harbor (“tsu”). A series of traveling waves of extremely long length and period.
Research Tsunami are also called tide waves. Some meteorological conditions, such as deep depressions that cause tropical cyclones, can generate a storm surge, called a Meteotsunami, which can raise tides several metres above normal levels.
Research Tsunamis race across the sea at up to 500 miles (805 kilometers) an hour—about as fast as a jet airplane. At that pace they can cross the entire expanse of the Pacific Ocean in less than a day. And their long wavelengths mean they lose very little energy along the way.
Data The most horrible tsunami was in 2004 in Hawaii. Another horrible tsunami was in 2004 in Indonesia.
What Causes Tsunami’s Big eruption can cause a tsunami. Natural Disasters' can cause a tsunami.
Be aware of any warnings. If a warning has been issued in your area, be aware, and know what is going on. Tsunami warnings are usually issued several hours before the expected arrival time. Be well informed. Always know what is going on with the tsunami; if the warning has been canceled, if there is information on mass evacuation plans, etc. If evacuating, be frugal with what you take. Take only the essentials, food, water, and clothing, and shelter. How Can I Prepare For A Tsunami
Photo Gallery
Photo Gallery 2
Prepare Bag
Effects of Tsunamis
What Happens When There’s a Tsunami
Bibliography Need- Need- ment/photos/tsunami-indian-ocean/ ment/photos/tsunami-indian-ocean/ The Sea: Ideas and Observations on Progress in the Study of the Seas, Vol. 1 ("Tsunamis" begins on p. 658) The Sea: Ideas and Observations on Progress in the Study of the Seas, Vol. 1 ("Tsunamis" begins on p. 658)
Credits Nia Garcia Noor Mohammed Teacher : Ms.Allen