Seismic Monitoring in Hawaii Kanoa Koyanagi NOAA Pacific Tsunami Warning Center View show rather than looking in edit mode because images are on top of each other for animations.
seismic, volcanic, and tsunami hazards in Hawaii
Seismic Network Operators NOAA Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) Established in 1949 after the 1946 Aleutian Islands tsunami that devastated Hilo, Hawaii. Operates 17 seismic stations throughout Hawaii. USGS Hawaiian Volcanoes Observatory (HVO) Established in 1912 to monitor Hawaii’s volcanoes. Operated continuously by the U.S. Geological Survey since 1947. Operates 60+ seismic stations on the Island of Hawaii. USGS National Strong Motion Project (NSMP) Established in 1932 by the engineering seismology community to record strong motion ground motion in urbanized areas. Operates 700+ stations in the U.S., 32 throughout Hawaii. IRIS Global Seismic Network (GSN) Established in 1984 as a joint partnership between the National Science Foundation’s IRIS Consortium and the USGS. Operates 150+ high quality broadband stations, 2 in Hawaii. Maybe add logos here, say something about history of the groups, etc.
December 2011
PTWC Field Hardware Broadband + Strong-Motion Sites: all of the following: Streckeisen STS-2 broadband seismometer Kinemetrics EpiSensor ES-T accelerometer Kinemetrics Q330 digitizer Kinemetrics Marmot field server Strong-Motion + Short-Period Sites: either Kinemetrics Basalt digitizer/field server with embedded EpiSensor ES-T accelerometer or NetDAS digitizer/field server with Metrozet TSA-100S accelerometer + Some sites with additional GeoTech S-13 short-period vertical seismometers Need to update this slide further. No plan to replace aging S-13 short periods. No definitive plan yet to replace NetDAS with Basalt.
Site Photos Combination of existing vaults with newly constructed vaults. Mauna Loa, Hawaii Kekaha, Kauai We can add some site photos here or break this into a couple of slides. There are many more where these came from. Showing a Basalt in action might be good, for example. Haleakala, Maui
Seismic Data Acquisition Antelope Import Q330 (orb2orb) Data export to IRIS (orb2orb ?) Earthworm Import Basalt (slink2ew), NetDas (grf2ew) Data exchange with HVO (import/export), IRIS (liss2ew), NSMP
Seismic Data Processing Location SPLERT (System for Processing Local Earthquakes in Real Time) – an Earthworm-based legacy system Earthworm v7.5 – eq_assemble and eqproc, pick_ew, binder, hyp2000 Magnitude SPLERT Pmag (for paging), eqcoda (MD), localmag (ML) Mwp processing for events larger than ~M6.0 Performance Goal To issue local Hawaii tsunami bulletins within 90 seconds of origin time.
PTWC Data at IRIS DMC Data exported to and archived by the IRIS DMC since September 2011.
Mahalo (Thank You)