Progress report on declaration, road map and action plan YongKyun Kim Director Division of the 4 th Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction.


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Presentation transcript:

Progress report on declaration, road map and action plan YongKyun Kim Director Division of the 4 th Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (AMCDRR) National Emergency Management Agency ( NEMA ) IAP meeting 11August 2010

We all are members of minus one draft committee. The main objective of this meeting is to agree on declaration, roadmap and action plan preparation methodologies and facilitate to zero declaration, roadmap and action plan CommitteesMembers Minus one drafting committeeAll members presence at this IAP meeting 0 drafting committeeHFA focal persons in 62 countries including subject specialists Drafting CommitteeMembers will be government representatives from 62 countries and conference organisers operating from October,2010. Part 1:Process on declaration, road map and action plan methodologies

DateDeclarationRoadmapAction plan 11 August-2draftO draft-2draft 13 August0 31 AugustFeedback from experts on declaration, roadmap and action plan 01 September SeptemberCirculation to all countries.We will form 0 drafting committee. The members of zero drafting committee are HFA focal persons in Asia Pacific countries and subject specialists. 30 SeptemberDraft OctoberFinal touch 26 October morningCirculate final draft to all participants 26 October afternoonMinisters discussion session 1 27 October morningMinisters discussion session 2 27 October afternoonIn parallel activities: Ministers discussion session 3 Drafting Committee to fanalise Declaration, input from session 1 and 2 27 evening and nightDrafting committee will finalise roadmap,and action plan adding input from session 3 28 October 2010Final declaration,roadmap and action plan.

Objectives As a host of 4 th AMCDRR, NEMA (Korea) will provide ministerial statement book including minister’s photos at the 4 th AMCDRR. For this purpose, we would like to request focal persons to submit ministerial statement by the end of September (Sep. 30 → Oct. 10 → Oct. 16) Key Items 1.As a host of 4 th AMCDRR, NEMA (Korea) requests Asia and Pacific countries to include current country activities (one paragraph summary ) related to three main themes of the conference in ministerial statement (if possible): raising awareness and building capacity for DRR & CCA developing and sharing information, technology, sound practices, and lessons learned in climate and disaster risk management promoting integration of DRR & CCA into development for green growth ( in some countries eco centric plan and policies already exist…….) 2.We also recommend to include a proposal about activities focusing on one of the three themes in the ministerial statement. So, that we can jointly approach international agencies to facilitate to implement activities in line with REMAP. Ministerial statement guidelines

Part 2: Discussion on declaration

Incheon Declaration on Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia and the Pacific 2010 Framework Declaration Preamble Key activities for DRR and CCA Next steps Problem (Major disaster events) Progress on HFA centered risk reduction Positive initiations Roadmap and action plan Special Session Raising awareness and building capacity for DRR & CCA Developing and sharing information,technology,sound practices and lessons learned in climate and disaster risk reduction Promoting integration of DRR and CCA into development for green growth Promoting investments on DRR & CCA Promoting resilient cities The remaining five years of HFA

Alarmed by the increasing impact of recent disasters in Asia the Pacific, including Typhoon Morakot in Chinese Taipei, Typhoon Ketsana and Parma in the Philippines, Viet Nam, Lao PDR and Cambodia, the 2009 Padang Earthquake, the 2009 Samoa earthquake and subsequent Pacific tsunami disaster, the 2009 extreme temperature in Australia, the 2010 wildfire in Russian Federation, the 2010 floods in Pakistan and China, and the 2010 landslides in India and Bhutan; Noting the Chair’s Summary of the Second Session of the Global Platform, which notes that climate change is already dramatically magnifying the disaster risks threatening many developing nations, and which recognised that addressing the underlying causes of disaster risk therefore offers the potential for a triple win – for adaptation, disaster risk reduction (DRR) and poverty reduction; Recognising the need to scale up commitment and promote innovative approaches to reduce disaster risk to achieve the goals of both the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005 – 2015: Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters (HFA), and the Millennium Development Goals; Noting recent global and regional developments, which are expected to further the course of DRR in Asia and the Pacific, such as the ratification and entry into force of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency response; the cooperation in the area of disaster risk management by the annual Trilateral Meeting of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea; the recent elevation of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation’s Emergency Preparedness Working Group; Acknowledging the leadership of the Governments of People’s Republic of China, India and Malaysia in hosting the First, Second and Third AMCDRR including the implementation of activities called for by the Delhi Declaration 2007 and the Kuala Lumpur Declaration 2008 by the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) Asia Partnership (IAP); Recognising that governments have responsibility to reduce risks of disasters, there is a need for support from other stakeholders including international, regional, national, and civil society organisations and their networks to ensure appropriate implementation of the recommendations of AMCDRR; Appreciating the theme and objectives of the Fourth AMCDRR “DRR through Climate Change Adaptation (CCA)”; Preamble Problem(Major disaster events) Progress on HFA centered risk reduction Positive initiations

On raising awareness and building capacity for DRR & CCA: to promote research on climate hazards, vulnerabilities, and risks in key socio-ecological system, promote and support DRR & CCA training for government stakeholders, implement awareness-raising programmes at all levels on the risks and benefits of CCA options and those provided by ecosystem services for DRR & CCA, promote risk transfer and financing systems, and promote the increased investments on DRR & CCA. In addition, to strengthen education and training programmes for DRR & CCA focal persons, and to promote and facilitate the funding of joint DRR & CCA projects from existing and new funding sources; On developing and sharing information, technology, sound practices, and lessons learned in climate and disaster risk management: to collect sound practices and lessons learned in DRR & CCA, collect and share information on emerging risks and vulnerability, promote sharing early warning information and systems, and improve understanding climate-induced risks. In addition, to establish a web-based platform to share climate and disaster risk information and technologies, and conduct harmonized regional and sub-regional high-level meetings to share experiences and promote integration of DRR & CCA; On promoting integration of DRR & CCA into development for green growth: to promote the adoption of standard hazard profiles, promote integration of DRR & CCA in land use planning and into development processes, promote awareness of DRR & CCA for development stakeholders, implement joint DRR & CCA projects, and promote the decoupling of the increase of disaster exposure from economic growth. In addition, to initiate development of guidelines for policy-makers for integrating DRR & CCA into development; Key activities for DRR and CCA Roadmap and action plan

On promoting investments on DRR & CCA: to build capacities to track DRR investments, to evaluate financial and economic costs and benefits of DRR to promote greater investments in reducing disasters in the region, to promote comprehensive preparedness planning to mitigate the impacts of disasters, to advocate the international donor community to increase its funding support for regional and national activities for DRR and HFA implementation, and to apportion at least 10 percent of humanitarian assistance and 2 percent of development investment resources and funding for DRR by 2015; On promoting resilient cities: (to develop..Cities..Safe from Disasters, short paragraph..needs Special Session’s input); On the remaining five years of HFA: (short paragraph..W/ mid-term review issues and GAR findings, Special Session’s input); Special Session Key activities for DRR and CCA

Encourage NEMA,UNISDR AP, and members of IAP the promotion, wherever appropriate, of DRR as an integral component of adaptation efforts in regional and international fora leading to the 16 th Conference of Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Cancun, Mexico December 2010 and beyond, as suggested in the Bali Action Plan; Consider the recommendations from this Declaration, where appropriate, within existing policies, strategies and action plans for effective mainstreaming DRR & CCA into development and report their implementation as well as earlier Declarations at the Fifth AMCDRR in 2012; Call on international organisations and regional institutions to provide technical, operational and programmatic supports to accelerate implementation of HFA in Asia and the Pacific countries, especially the national action plans on DRR; Call on regional inter-governmental bodies and regional institutions to consider contributing through their existing forums to the follow-up of the AMCDRR ministerial Declarations and preparation of future AMCDRRs; Adopt Incheon Regional Roadmap and Action Plan on DRR through CCA in Asia and the Pacific (Incheon REMAP) to achieve the goals of this Declaration and invite UNISDR in collaboration with members of the IAP to promote the implementation and monitoring of Incheon REMAP and call on donors to support the implementation of Incheon REMAP; Next steps

Gam sa hap ni da! Thank you very much!