Terrestrial analogues of Mars: A review and outline of the Canadian Analogue Research Network (CARN) G. R. Osinski and A. Berinstain Canadian Space Agency, 6767 Route de l'Aeroport, Saint- Hubert, Quebec, J3Y 8Y9, Canada.
Mars Orbiter Mars Exploration Rover Viking orbiter Mars Express Sojourner
Places on Earth that approximate, in some respect, the geological and environmental conditions on Mars, either at the present-day or sometime in its pastPlaces on Earth that approximate, in some respect, the geological and environmental conditions on Mars, either at the present-day or sometime in its past Unique opportunities to further our scientific understanding of other planetary bodies by studying and exploring geological and biological processes on EarthUnique opportunities to further our scientific understanding of other planetary bodies by studying and exploring geological and biological processes on Earth Act as a test-bed for robotic and human exploration technologies and strategiesAct as a test-bed for robotic and human exploration technologies and strategies Many analogue studies require that we explore remote, harsh and often un(der)explored regions of EarthMany analogue studies require that we explore remote, harsh and often un(der)explored regions of Earth Canada offers a plethora of potential analogue sites, including vast regions of permafrost, meteorite impact craters, perennial springs, alkaline and ice-covered lakes….Canada offers a plethora of potential analogue sites, including vast regions of permafrost, meteorite impact craters, perennial springs, alkaline and ice-covered lakes…. Terrestrial analogues of Mars:
Terrestrial Analogues of Space Environments Processes EarthMoonMars AeolianYesNoYes FluvialYesNoYes Glacial Groundwater Hydrothermal Yes No (?) No No (?) Yes Impact crateringYes LacustrineYesNoYes MarineYesNoYes Mass wasting Periglacial Yes No (?) Yes Rock weathering: Physical Chemical Yes No Yes TectonicYes VolcanicYes
Terrestrial Analogues of Space Environments Materials Measurements and modeling: Spectral signatures Physical properties Analogue materials: Meteorites Shock-metamorphosed rocks and minerals Volcanic rocks Evaporites, carbonates, and clays Ices, clathrates
Terrestrial Analogues of Space Environments Human Exploration Systems Science Communications and computing for planetary exploration Human/personal, spacesuit Internal “Habitat” (spacecraft) Earth–(Moon)–Mars Robotics Telemedicine Mission Control operations Field operations Remote sensing technologies System security, robustness, interoperability Instrument and technology testing
Canadian Analogue Research Network Motivation Ideal Canadian geography and climate: Variety of Mars analogue environments Relative ease of accessibility (cf., Antarctica) Pre-existing logistical framework (e.g., PCSP) Still being explored in a big way! Analogue studies deemed a high priority area of interest by the Canadian science community Unprecedented interest and activity in space (MER, Cassini, Deep Impact, etc.), which we can build upon NASA and ESA now have included human exploration of the Moon and Mars in their long-term plans
Canadian Analogue Research Network Goals Establish a coordinated network of Moon–Mars –(Europa?) analogue sites in Canada Enable scientists to carry out field-based analogue research studies in the Arctic and elsewhere in Canada Enhance the use of spaceborne and airborne remote sensing data sets in analogue studies Foster collaboration between the CSA, NRCan, universities, industry, and international partners Increase competitiveness of Canadian scientists in the few opportunities that exist for participation in planetary missions Provide field laboratories to test technology of use to industry and northern communities Enhance the use and enable greater access of the Canadian Arctic by the scientific community
Canadian Analogue Research Network (CARN) Map: NRCan
McGill University's High Arctic Research Station Expedition Fiord, Axel Heiberg Island, Nun. Founded 1959 PI: Wayne Pollard, McGill University Research themes: The search for water: Perennial springs as analogues for hydrothermal systems on Mars Water-related landforms: Gully and valley formation Drilling technology and sampling Life in extreme environments Mars rover and instrumentation studies Photo: Dale Anderson Map: Wayne Pollard
Pavilion Lake Research Project station, British Columbia Research themes: Understanding microbialite and carbonate formation in alkaline freshwater lakes Instrument and experiment deployment in fragile environments PI's: Bernard Laval UBC, Darlene Lim, NASA Ames Slide: Darlene Lim
Haughton–Mars Project Research Station Devon Island, Nunavut
Haughton–Mars Project Research Station Science Investigations Impact geology: Mechanics of impact crater formation Effects of the impacts into volatile-rich target rocks Impact-induced hydrothermal activity Intra-crater sedimentary deposits Fate of hydrocarbons/organics during and after impact Biology of impact craters Microbial colonization of impact-generated and impact- modified materials Gully and valley network formation Periglacial and glacial geology Limnological studies of ponds and lakes Life in extreme environments Remote sensing and geophysical studies
Haughton–Mars Project Research Station Exploration Investigations Communications, computing, and Networks Expeditionary medicine, telemedicine, and human biology Arthur C. Clarke Mars Greenhouse MARS-1 Humvee Rover Human-centered computing Mars Aircraft HORSE Experiment (Human Operations Research for Science and Exploration) Drilling Automation for Mars Exploration (DAME) field tests Hyperion Sun-synchronous robot rover experiment Hamilton-Sundstrand Mars Concept Suit Study ExPOC (Exploration Planning and Operations Centre) Mission Support Experiment
Education and Public Outreach
Other potential analogue sites in Canada… Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula, NWT Mistastin impact structure, Labrador Sulfurous hot springs, Manitoba
CSA Analogue Program Timeline RFP to Provide Logistical Services for Analogue Research Studies in Canada: May 2005 Science Investigations for Analogue Studies: July, 2005 Discussions with Canadian and international partners regarding an International Analogue Network: Fall, 2005 RFP to Provide Logistical Services for Analogue Research Studies in Canada: January 2006 Science Investigations for Analogue Studies: March, 2006