Canada Chapter 5 Section 2
Section 2: The Canadians Population is about _________ million people Lots of cultures – however ________________________is the largest heritage group.
Section 2: The Canadians Canada’s History Like the United States, Canada was first settled by _____________________ ______________________were the first European explorers to land in Canada around A.D In the 1500’s and 1600’s both ______________and __________________claimed parts of Canada
Section 2: The Canadians Canada’s History France ruled the area of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River for about 230 years. During the 1600’s a 1700’s England and France fought each other for territory with England being victorious. Sadly much like the U. S. Disease and warfare killed off the Native Americans.
Section 2: The Canadians From Colony to Nation Great Britain ruled Canada as a Colony 2. However the English and French sections of the colony were kept separate 3. In 1867 the French and English areas were joined into a ___________________of Canada 4. Dominion – Canada has its own government to run local affairs but Great Britain still ruled its relations with other countries.
Section 2: The Canadians From Colony to Nation There remained lots of problems between the French and the English areas within the country. The French claimed to be treated unfairly 6. Eventually with the help of the British and Americans, the Canadians will win their own rights to change their constitution without the permission of England. However the English King or Queen Still sits on the throne of Canada without any real duties.
Section 2: The Canadians Canada’s Government 1. British style __________________ ___________________ 2. This type of government means that – voters elect representatives to a lawmaking body called parliament. The representatives choose a Prime Minister to head the government. The governor- general carries out the ceremonial duties that the King or Queen would traditionally do.
Section 2: The Canadians A Bilingual Country 1. ¼ of Canadians are descendents of French speaking settlers. 2. Quebec is the largest section of French speaking settlers. Quebec is the majority in this region. 3. Canada is a bilingual country – has two official languages. ____________________& _____________________________. 4. An official language is any language recognized by the government.
Section 2: The Canadians Nunavut, A New Territory Inuits along with Native Americans were the first settlers in Canada the Inuit were given more control over their land Nunavut (our land) 3. The Inuit in this territory were given AUTONOMY- the right to govern themselves. However the government can still make some decisions. 4. Nanavut is _______X the size of Texas 5. The population is unique because it ________________________________
Section 2: The Canadians Growing Ethnic Diversity Canada has been a refuge for many victims of persecution and natural disasters. 2. Canada has a lot of religious diversity as well. 3. Due to the large amounts of ethnicities, there are lots of sports, foods, and recreational activities to participate in as well.