Subregions of the U.S.
Northeast Regional Characteristics: Known as the “Gateway to America”- entry port for millions of immigrants “Rustbelt” decline and abandonment of traditional industries Heavily Industrialized- 1 st to industrialize Primary Economic Activity: Services and Manufacturing (1 st region to be industrialized) Cultural and financial center of the country “BosWash” Megalopolis- name given to highly urbanized Northeastern Seaboard (densely populated) Big Four cities- Boston, Washington DC, NYC, Philadelphia
Midwest Regional Characteristics: “America’s Heartland”- central location “Breadbasket”- fertile soil, produces the most food (Farming/Agriculture) Industries leaving for cheaper land and people leaving to follow the jobs and warmer climates (also part of “rustbelt”)
South Regional Characteristics: “Sunbelt”- warmer climate Population growth due to low cost of living and jobs
West Regional Characteristics: Most rapidly growing; however, many people are leaving some states due to high cost of living and lack of jobs Aided most by irrigation and A/C Deserts found here Tourism, film making, computer production (Silicon Valley)
Subregions of Canada
Canadian Core- Quebec and Ontario Regional Characteristics: “Canada’s Heartland”- 3/5 Canadians live here Center of economic activity- Main trading partner is the USA 80% of Canada’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product) comes from service industries
Canadian Core- Quebec and Ontario continued Toronto, Ontario- banking and financial hub & most populous city (English Speaking) - Most of Canada is English speaking Quebec- Center of French-Canadian Culture, largest province by land area, French is official language
Atlantic or Maritime Provinces Regional Characteristics: Primary economic activities- fishing & logging World’s richest fishing area Harsh weather
Prairie Provinces Regional Characteristics: Canada’s “breadbasket” Primary economic activity- agriculture (Grain/Cattle) Culturally diverse
The Pacific Province- British Columbia Regional Characteristics: Largest trading port (Vancouver) Biggest Asian Influence Sparsely populated
The Territories (The Canadian North Territories) Regional Characteristics: Subarctic and tundra climate Least populated Nunavut- made a separate territory in 1999 Is home to most of Canada’s Inuit native population (Nunavut) LOOK FOR HEI AND DIFFERENT ELEMENTS OF CULTURE