Is the Church of Christ a Cult?. What is a Cult? 1. a particular system of religious worship, especially with reference to its rites and ceremonies. 4.


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Presentation transcript:

Is the Church of Christ a Cult?

What is a Cult? 1. a particular system of religious worship, especially with reference to its rites and ceremonies. 4. A group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal, etc. (Random House Dictionary, 2012)

What is a Cult? 6. A religion considered to be false, unorthodox, or extremist, with members often living outside of conventional society under the direction of a Charismatic leader.” (Random House Dictionary, 2012)

What is a Cult? What usually comes to mind? David Koresh (Branch Dividians – 1993, Waco, TX) Jim Jones (Jonestown, Guyanan, 1978) Sun Yung Moon (Moonies) A dynamic leader who uses mind control tactics and whose followers engage in unorthodox practices, etc. While such extremes may not be stated, the use of the term is intended to produce prejudice and scare people away from investigating whether or not what we teach is the truth!

Attacking the Truth Christians have been attacked and misrepresented since the beginning Jesus warned His apostles, disciples – John 15:18-21, Matt. 10:22, John 16:1-3

Attacking the Truth Jesus was vehemently attacked and maligned by His enemies – - Called Beelzebub - Matt. 12:24, 10: Called a blasphemer – Matt. 9:3, Jn. 10:33

Attacking the Truth His disciples were attacked John 7:45-52, 12:42 the crowd called ignorant and accursed Acts 24:5, 28:21-22 – Sect, α ἱ ρέσεως (hairesies) – heresies. A choice – esp. a self-willed opinion (Vine’s)

Attacking the Truth We are warned! 1 Pet 4:12-16 suffer as a Christian Matt. 5: Persecuted for kingdom’s sake, spoken against 2 Tim. 3:12 The point: When we stand for the truth, we will be spoken against, called names and have false charges made against us!

Why are we called a cult by some?

DANGER: The Church of Christ Cult David J. Stewart, “The Church of Christ is a false church. They require good works for salvation. The Church of Christ is just as dangerous as Catholicism, Jehovah's Witness, or the Mormons, because they claim to be "Christian"; BUT they are not! Whereas religions like Islam and Black Muslim openly deny the Christian faith; the Church of Christ claims to be Christian, and so Satan uses them to seduce people into Hellfire.”

“Common Sense Questions a “Church of Christ” preacher cannot clearly answer”, David Martin (a Baptist preacher) “The religious sect known as the "Church of Christ" has many peculiar and aberrant doctrines that are contrary to the word of God. It is a most deceptive and dangerous cult. Their teaching of baptismal regeneration is an age-old heresy that has damned millions to hell, and is still doing so today. The idea that they are the one, true and restored church of Jesus Christ puts them in the same league with the Mormon and Roman Catholic churches.”

“…The way to determine if a group is a cult is solely by their teachings, and if those doctrines conform to the teachings of the Bible and historic Christianity. There are many doctrines which differ among Christian denominations, but they all share teachings that are essential to the Christian faith… In those areas, all Christian churches are in agreement. … Something to Consider,

“… Some of those doctrines are: that there is only one true and living God and that the one God is manifest in three persons, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; that the Bible is the infallible word of God; and that salvation is a gift of God, by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. When a group differs in these areas from historic, Biblical Christian doctrine, then it falls into the area of being classified as a cult.” Something to Consider, Proclaiming the Message Ministry

We are called a cult because… We reject salvation by “faith only” How is one saved? Belief – John 3:16, Mark 16:16 Repentance – Acts 2:38 Confession – Rom. 10:9-10, Ac. 8:37 Baptism – Ac. 2:38, 1 Pet. 3:20-21, Gal. 3:27, …

We are called a cult because… We reject salvation by “faith only” “Faith only”, James 2:24 Furthermore, obedience does NOT negate God’s grace nor our faith!

We are called a cult because… The Bible teaches there is only ONE true church! 1 Cor. 1:10-13 Matt. 16:18 - MY church! The church consists of individuals, not congregations 1 Cor. 12:12-13, 27

We are called a cult because… The Bible teaches there is only ONE true church! The concept of denominations is foreign to scripture! The Bible DOES give us a pattern for worship, work, organization, etc. Cf. Heb. 8:5

We are called a cult because… We understand that God demands faithfulness throughout our lives Gal. 5:4, 2 Pet. 2:20-22, 1 Cor. 9:27, etc.

We are called a cult because… To the denominational world, such doctrines are extreme and unorthodox, and they differ from “historic, Christian doctrine.”

The Bible CAN be understood! We reject denominationalism because they teach error on numerous subjects we have discussed We do NOT differ just for the sake of difference. God demands unity – Jn. 17:20- 21, 1 Cor. 1:10

The Bible CAN be understood! God’s word CAN be understood – Eph. 3:3-5, 5:17 Applies to all – Matt. 28: Comes from God – Gal. 1:11- 12, 2 Tim. 3:16-17 Is complete – 2 Pet. 1:3, Jude 3 It is truly sad that some believe obeying the commands of God’s word are not necessary for salvation! Some in essence say, “God doesn’t care what you do as long as you believe in Him.”

Was Jesus a cult leader? He was charismatic and dynamic in His teachings cf. Matt. 21:9 He claimed to be the Son of God – John 10:33 He claimed spectacular powers Matt. 9:1-2 His teachings were unorthodox and extreme – Matt. 15:1-2 He sought followers! His teachings were different, but they were the TRUTH! John 8:31-32 John 5:39-47 Will you follow Him?

Will you follow Jesus and His word, regardless of what others say about you?