Easy Technology Integration in a 1:1 Classroom Kellie Kendrick and Kristen Souza
FYI: These are going to be very basic ideas on how to integrate technology into a 1:1 classroom.
Disclaimer Technology is BOUND to fail! o At PCM High School we have a full-time tech support (and sometimes he is not enough!). o Always have a back-up plan. Students WILL abuse their laptop privileges. o Be prepared to make changes in your classroom!
Communication o Use for reminders o Parent communication o Send assignments out o Student communication
Communication Twitter o Reminders o Follow others to get ideas for your classroom
Organization Digital Notes o Have students take their notes on their computers. o Eliminates sloppy handwriting! o Keeps them all in one place. o Students have access to them at ALL times.
Organization Class website o Good communication with parents and students. o Post homework assignments and important dates. o Helpful links
Organization Edmodo o Online meeting place o Eliminates paper! o Excellent way to turn in assignments, have discussions, take a quick assessment, post questions.
Organization Moodle o Similar to Edmodo, great place to create an online class o Create a class structure, upload items, create assignments, create forums o Available free through the AEA
Activities socrative.com o Great review website o Good for quizzes o Gives immediate feedback
Activities Textbook website o Extension activities o Review o Parts of the book online
Activities polleverywhere.com o A good bell-ringer ce_polls/LTUwNDkzMTk5OQ
Activities quia.com o Online games created by teachers o Great for review and studying o Searchable by subject
Activities wallwisher.com o A good bell-ringer o Facilitate discussions
Activities flashcardmachine.com o Make flash cards online o Good review tool
Projects Podcasts o Done with Garageband (program on your mac) o Good for summative assessments o Alternative to a presentation o Good for kids who don't like to speak in front of class. o Good for speaking and reading in language classes.
Projects iMovie o Done with iMovie program on Mac o Another good alternative to presentations o Encourages creativity in students o Use with summative assessments
Projects rubistar.com o Easy way to find and create rubrics for almost anything you do in class. o Free! o Created rubric or you can make your own.