Participating in International ILL Laura Ramos, ILL & Reserves Supervisor George Mason University (VGM) July 17, th Annual VIVA Interlibrary Loan Community Forum (University of Mary Washington, Stafford Campus Fredericksburg, VA)
Lending Processing Workflow Complete initial screening process Check catalog holdings: If NOT available, cancel request (Checked Out/NOS/etc.) If available, check address to see where item is going
Request Evaluation Evaluate request on four criteria before sending 1.Previous ILL requests from Borrower 2.Catalog record 3.OCLC holdings 4.Replacement cost 5.Payment options
Evaluation – Prior Requests Check the Borrower’s previous requests by going into their patron record How many loan requests have been placed? How many loan requests have been successfully filled?
Evaluation – Catalog Record Check the catalog record Creation date? Number of charges? Any holds? Recalls?
Evaluation - OCLC Check OCLC holdings Free holdings? (VIVA, ASRL, etc.) How many holdings worldwide?
Evaluation – Amazon, etc. Check value of item Can item be replaced if it is lost? (Rare/out of print/etc.) If lost and we CAN replace it, what is the replacement cost?
Evaluation – Payment Options How is Borrower prepared to pay for use/loss of item? IFM? / U.S. Dollars? / IFLA vouchers?
Final Decision Based upon the gathered information, decision can be made
Packaging Item(s) packaged in a new bubble mailer and new box. Sent via Air Mail
Other Considerations ?? Longer loan periods (may take 5 months to arrive!) Condition of material Poor postal service War zone Weather Fines/Overdue Invoices Tariffs Prior institutional history as a Borrower Reciprocal Borrowing/Lending