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Histology Structure Functions Joints Miscellaneous main Growth & Repair
Matrix component that makes bone hard and resistant to crushing. A 100 a100
Osteoblasts lay down more matrix forming these “rings” in bone tissue. A 200
Several of these units cemented together form the structure of compact bone. A 300
The chambers that house bone cells. A 400
Blood vessels and nerves penetrate compact bone in the middle of an osteon through these structures. A 500
Material that is stored and produced in the epiphyses. B 100 b100
Shaft of long bone. B 200
Tough, vascular, bone covering made of fibrous tissue. B 300
Type of bone tissue that consists of bony plates which reduces weight. B 400
Lining of the hollow chamber in a long bone. B 500
Main job of the skull. C 100 c100
Purpose of yellow marrow (which we already know is fat). C 200
Calcium released into the bloodstream from the bones, is a homeostatic mechanism regulated by this hormone. C 300
DAILY DOUBLE C 400 DAILY DOUBLE Place A Wager Daily double
To move limbs, bones and muscles interact as a simple mechanical device called a… C 400
This term means the production of blood cells. C 500
Type of synovial joint where the ulna and humerus articulate. D 100 d100
Inflammation of a joint. D 200
The vertebrae and costal articulations are examples of these types of synovial joints: D 300
Name one specific bony landmark (learned in lab) that is a fibrous joint. D 400
Type of synovial joint that allows the head to extend or flex. D 500
Pre-ossification material of the endochondral bones of a fetus. E 100 e100
The cartilagenous band that lengthens bones. E 200
Also known as a blood clot in the body or within a broken bone. E 300
If osteoclast activity exceeds osteoblast activity, how will the bone mass be affected? E 400
Name for the temporary fibrocartilagenous structure (2 words) of a healing bone. E 500
Based on their shape, the fibula and humerus are considered this type of bone. F 100 f100
Deposition of calcium into the bones is regulated by this gland. F 200
Degenerative disease characterized by the loss and roughening of articulating surfaces. F 300
Name the external force that causes bone to constantly remodel and redistribute its matrix. F 400
During intramembranous development, this type of cell differentiates from sheet-like connective tissue. F 500
The Final Jeopardy Category is: Bone Disorders Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin Final jeopardy
The cleft palate is a deformity between the oral and nasal cavity that can cause babies born with this to have trouble suckling. Name the anterior bone that was malformed during development. Click on screen to continue
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