ELECTRONICS I Instructor: Eng.Moayed N. EL Mobaied The Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Electrical Engineering Department بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم EELE 2321 — Spring 2010 Lecture 3
Semiconductor materials Intrinsic: Pure Si, Ge Covalent bonding Nearest to insulators 8 Electrons in outside
Semiconductor materials Doping: Change the electrical properties of the material Positive or negative 1 part of 10 million Extrinsic
Semiconductor materials N-type material Adding to pure Si elements that have five valence electron ( pentavalent) Antimony Arsenic Phosphorus Donor Atoms
Semiconductor materials P-type material Adding to pure Si elements that have three valence electron Boron Gallium Indium Acceptor Atoms
Semiconductor materials Majorities and Minorities carriers
Semiconductor materials Semiconductor Diode
Semiconductor materials Reverse-bias V D <0
Semiconductor materials Forward-bias V D >0
Semiconductor materials N=1,2 text book=1 Shockley’s equation V T = Thermal voltage I S = Saturation current
Semiconductor materials
Ge,Si,and GaAs
Semiconductor materials End of Lecture **** Eng.moayed Temp. effects (Si)