Robert Scranton 2008 ©
Give definition of intramembranous bone formation Occurs in condensed CT w/o cartilage precursor Happens in: Mesenchyme & Peri-/end-ostium Think flat bones, skull, clavicvle, scapula Give the steps: Condensation Vascularization Differentiation Secretion Calcification Repeat
Give definition of endochondral bone formation Mesenchyme condensation to make cartilaginous model, cart. degenerates and replaced by bone Happens in: Long bone development Give the steps: Condensation Differentiation Bone Collar/ Degeneration Vascularization osteogenesis 1° ossification center/ cartilage proliferation 2° ossification centers
When a bone gets wider, that is ______ growth occuring in the _______ region. It happens by ________ bone formation.
Acute Destroy old Bone Hemorrhage/ Clot Macrophage cleanup of clot, matrix & cells Soft Callus Cellular proliferation for filling w/ CT Hyaline cartilage islands Bony Callus Cartilage replaced by Bone Intramembranous at outer and inner edges Remodeling
Acromegaly (adult prod.) Gigantism (childhood) osteoporosis Too Much Too Little Pituitary Dwarfism
Achondroplastic dwarfism Genetic, cartilage doesn’t proliferate, mutation of FGFR3 Endochondrial formation problem, not intramembranous.