SKELETAL TISSUE As an example of Connective Tissue
CARTILAGE Chondrocytes Matrix – Glycoproteins – Collagen – Elastic Fibers
Perichondrium Nonvascular
Types of Cartilage
Types of Cartilage Elastic
Types of Cartilage Fibrocartilage
BONE CELLS – Osteocytes – Osteoblasts – Osteoclasts
BONE Intercellular substance – Calcium phosphate – Hydroxyapatite crystals – Collagen
BONE Vascular Periosteum General Functions
Typical Long Bone Diaphysis Epiphysis Metaphysis Articular Cartilage Periosteum Marrow = Medullary cavity Endosteum
Compact Bone OSTEON – Central (Haversian) Canal – Perforating (Volkmann’s Canal) – Lamellae – Osteocytes in lacunae
Spongy = Cancellous Bone Trabeculae
OSSIFICATION Intramembranous
OSSIFICATION Endochondral Epiphyseal plate
OSSIFICATION Remodeling Diameter
SHAPE of BONES Long Short Flat Irregular Misc. E.g. Sesamoid
Bone Markings
THE HUMAN SKELETON 206 bones Axial Skeleton Appendicular Skeleton