Interactive Gameplay Design Game Design Document Mario Michaelides Lecture 5 (10am), Week /10/2005 The Game Design Document
Interactive Gameplay Design Game Design Document Mario Michaelides Lecture 5 (10am), Week /10/2005 A document that describes the design and planning of the game in detail in order for it to be developed. To ensure every member in a development team is singing from the same hymn sheet – so to speak. Length of the document is determined by the game but is usually between 100 to 300 pages. Beware! - It takes time, sweat, blood and tears! What is it?
Interactive Gameplay Design Game Design Document Mario Michaelides Lecture 5 (10am), Week /10/2005 The Contents Concept –Your idea in a nutshell, akin to a sales pitch or a synopsis. –It should include the: Name Genre Perspective (1 st Person, 3 rd Person) Graphical Dimension (2D, 2.5D, 3D) Theme Overall Objective Key Features Key References/ Contextualisation Why your game is original, good etc. –Do not waffle!
Interactive Gameplay Design Game Design Document Mario Michaelides Lecture 5 (10am), Week /10/2005 The Contents Treatment/ Game Specification – the kitchen sink! Objectives Rules Features –Gameplay –Game Balance –Narrative –Characters –Level Design –Visual Elements of Interaction/ Other Entities –End Game Conditions Sound (Sound Effects and Music) Artificial Intelligence Interface Design (Physical and Virtual) Game Layout/ Flow Diagrams Interaction/ Game System Diagrams
Interactive Gameplay Design Game Design Document Mario Michaelides Lecture 5 (10am), Week /10/2005 The Contents Other considerations –Feasibility –Platforms –Target Audience –Time Plan –Development Software –UML Modelling
Interactive Gameplay Design Game Design Document Mario Michaelides Lecture 5 (10am), Week /10/2005 Diagrams - The Game Layout/ Flow Displays the layout of all the screens and the flow of navigation in your game much akin to a sitemap, such as this generic example; Intro Sequence Title Screen Main Menu Options Game Pause Game Over Game Completed If idle for more then 60 seconds. Legend
Interactive Gameplay Design Game Design Document Mario Michaelides Lecture 5 (10am), Week /10/2005 Diagrams - Interaction Simply put, the interaction diagram communicates what happens when game components interact with each other. The example below is based on Super Mario Bros. which you can play online at
Interactive Gameplay Design Game Design Document Mario Michaelides Lecture 5 (10am), Week /10/2005 Diagrams - Interaction Another example of an Interaction Diagram using a design from yours truly. Only shown in the Lecture.
Interactive Gameplay Design Game Design Document Mario Michaelides Lecture 5 (10am), Week /10/2005 Prototyping Effectively demonstrates the idea of the game you intend to develop. Displays examples of visuals, sound, navigation and gameplay. Together with your GDD, this ensures that your idea communicates thoroughly.
Interactive Gameplay Design Game Design Document Mario Michaelides Lecture 5 (10am), Week /10/2005 Presentation Make an impression – a picture paints a thousand words, a prototype paints a million. Your should communicate your idea briefly and to the point. State why it’s great – what’s the selling point/s? Be enthusiastic – it’s YOUR idea!
Interactive Gameplay Design Game Design Document Mario Michaelides Lecture 5 (10am), Week /10/2005 Questions?
Interactive Gameplay Design Game Design Document Mario Michaelides Lecture 5 (10am), Week /10/2005 Next Lecture The Future of Computer Games Mitja Kostomaj Next week at 10am.