H Specific references: H No changes to slave trade until 1808 H Fugitive slave clause H 3/5 compromise H No protection for slaves H No protection against individual discrimination H Bill of Rights not applicable to the states until 14 th Amendment
H Missouri Compromise 1820 H Dred Scott case, 1857 H How to interpret the Constitution? H Founder’s Intent (Originalism) H Textualism H Doctrinalism (precedent) H Lincoln on Dred Scott decision
H 14 th Amendment H Plessy v. Ferguson H Legal, not social, equality H “Rationality” test H Harlan’s dissent H “Separate but equal” H After Plessy – “Jim Crow” laws
90% 1900 Peonage 85% 1910 Land ownership
Cartoons “White Man’s Burden” Birth of a Nation Lynching
D.W. Griffith James S. Pike The Prostrate State 1874 Birth of a Race
Memphis school teacher Southern Horrors 1892 NAACP anti-lynching campaign No federal anti- lynching law
Up From Slavery Atlanta Exposition of 1895 Accomodationist Tuskegee Institute
The Souls of Black Folk, 1903 Talented tenth NAACP
United Negro Improvement Association The Negro World Blackstar Steamship Line
H Agitation for change, pre-World War II H Scientists H NAACP H anti-lynching H Eleanor Roosevelt H World War II, changes H Fighting Hitler H Black soldiers H An American Dilemma
H Jackie Robinson & Ralph Bunche
H NAACP Legal Defense Fund H Thurgood Marshall H Gaines v. Canada (1938) H Sweatt v. Painter (1950) H Brown v. Topeka (1954) H Briggs v. Elliott H Earl Warren H “Compelling State Interest” H Brown II
H Rosa Parks H Montgomery Bus Boycott, 1955 H Martin Luther King, Jr.
H Greensboro and the Sit-ins
H The Sit-ins: CORE, SNCC, SCLC H Kennedy and Civil Rights H The Freedom Rides
1963, The March on Washington
1964 Civil Rights Act H Strengthened voting rights H Banned discrimination in public facilities H No federal funds to segregated schools H Created EEOC H Women
H Freedom Summer, Mississippi
H Selma and voting rights H 1965 Voting Rights Act H Abolished literacy tests and discrimination at the polls
H Urban blacks and Malcolm X H “Operation Drop in the Bucket” H Urban violence H Kerner Commission
H MLK assassinated H Nixon, forced busing, affirmative action
H Regents of the University of CA v. Bakke (1978) H Grutter v. Bollinger (2003) H Gratz v. Bollinger