Ajmer Singh PGT(IP) Hardware Concepts
Ajmer Singh PGT(IP) Computer It is an electronics device that can perform a variety of operations with a set of instruction called program.
Ajmer Singh PGT(IP) data It means raw facts and figures. For example: Mohan, ‘A’, 1977,
Ajmer Singh PGT(IP) IPO cycle Computer works upon Input-Process-Output Cycle. It takes some input, process it and produces the output.
Ajmer Singh PGT(IP) Basic architecture of a computer
Ajmer Singh PGT(IP) Input Unit It takes the input and convert it into binary form so that it can be understood by the computer. E.g Keyboard, mouse etc.
Ajmer Singh PGT(IP) Output Unit It takes the binary signals from the computer and convert it into a form so that it can be understood by the human beings. E.g monitor, printer etc.
Ajmer Singh PGT(IP) Central Processing Unit It guides, directs and governs its performance. It is the control center for a computer. It consist of two components: ALU CU
Ajmer Singh PGT(IP) Arithmetic Logic Unit It performs all the arithmetical(+, -, *, /) and logical (, =, =, <>) operations.
Ajmer Singh PGT(IP) Control Unit It controls and guides the interpretation, flow and manipulation of all data and information.
Ajmer Singh PGT(IP) Memory The memory of a computer is often called main memory or primary memory. It can store data temporarily.
Ajmer Singh PGT(IP) Units to measure the memory It is measured in bytes. 1 byte = 8 bit Where bit is an elementary unit of memory. 1 nibble = 4 bit Other units are 1 KB(Kilobytes) = 1024 bytes 1 MB(Megabytes) = 1024 KB 1 GB (Gigabytes) = 1024 MB 1 TB (Terabytes) = 1024 GB