Interest: Demographic reasons
Spain and La Rioja: % of older than 65
Genetics Program and chronological age Life Styles Nutritional Status: Feeding Physical Activity Social Factors Diseases Hence the importance, among others, of eating in order to grow older healthily and caring for the physical activity. FACTORS IN THE AGING PROCESS
If the elderly lives at home: alone or as a couple, their available resources, their need of help If the elderly lives institutionalized: need for adaptation, homesickness, lack of appetite, resocialization, uprooting, supplementation of food by family... The limitations in their diet for common diseases (hypertension, diabetes...): salt, sugar, fiber, fats, alcohol, calories … The attitudes of the elderly to dietary changes: ingrained habits, resistance to change, fear of illness, obsession with food …
100 Respondents Ages: Between 46 and 93 year-olds (Most of then older than 66) 57% Women 50% live with partner 22% alone 57% Married y 29% widows or widowers 29% No schooling 31% Sedentary (64% Exercise “a little” ) 80% Perceive their economy as “normal” RESPONDENT GENERAL PROFILE
30% Consider themselves fairly religious More than 50% quite medicated (more than 3 daily medications) Most treated diseases are: 1.Arterial Hypertension (36%) 2.Hypercholesterolemia (21%) 3.Diabetes (17%) 4.Prostatism and cardiovascular diseases(> 10%) 40% follow or have followed a prescribed diet RESPONDENT GENERAL PROFILE
EATING BETWEEN MEALS Most of then don’t eat between meals (67%) Of those who do eat, 20% eat between meals to calm their nerves or because some food makes them feel good. 40% say that they eat fast o 20% eat on their own o Some need help to be able to eat (7%) o One in five respondents has trouble chewing or swallowing food ON THEIR OWN, HELP, SWALLOWING SOME HABITS AND CUSTOMS
Difficulty chewing and swallowing (dysphagia) Less absorption of nutrients Lack of appetite (for weakness, polypharmacy, depression or anxiety disorder etc…) Lack of time or ability to cook and buy Dietary restrictions: cholesterol, sugar, salt... Conclusion: Care for factors which influence feeding
PREPARATIONS AND SETTING WHERE, NUMBER OF MEALS More than 60% buy and cook their meals A great mayority (70%) set and decorate the table (tablecloth, decorations) Half of them eat watching TV Eat in the kitchen (86%) More elderly have four meals a day (38%), others have three (36%) and fewer have five (26%) SHOPPING, PREPARATION AND MEALS
In our survey the elderly may not ingest enough liquids, since half of them drink only five glasses or fewer per day and the other half take six or more. It is recommended around 8 glasses or more a day. Note that the elderly have: 1.Minor kidney's ability to save water and concentrate urine. 2.Low water intake and less feeling of thirst 3.Intake of diuretics 4.Conclusion: higher predisposition to dehydration LIQUID INGESTION
LIKES AND INTAKE RECOMMENDATIONS: COMPARE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES: ◦ Fairly appreciated: mostly lettuce, tomato, green beans, onion, pear, apple, grapes etc. Common in our rural culture of La Rioja ◦ However real daily intake of vegetables and fruit is not as SUITABLE : almost 30% only have one piece of fruit a day and more than 70% eat vegetables only once a day FOOD PREFERENCES
MORE TRADITIONAL LIKES CARBOHYDRATE FOODS Foods rich in carbohydrates are widely accepted: potatoes (cooked), bread, chickpeas and beans mostly ; macaroni, othes pasta or pizzas are not appreciated More traditional preferences FOOD PREFERENCES
TRADITIONAL TASTES PROTEINS In addition to legumes, our elders like: Milk Eggs Chicken Fish They do not like burgers or pizzas FOOD PREFERENCES
Excess or lack of weight A large majority believes that they have too many "kilos“; that they are overweight (64%). Only 12% claim to be thin, that is, they lack weight The loss of weight may be a sign of alarm Caloric needs of the elderly decline with age This caloric reduction should not affect those foods with proteins, minerals or vitamins, but to them that have the greatest amount of FATS AND SUGARS SELF-PERCEPTION OF BODY WEIGHT
31% of respondents say they are sedentary. 64% only do some physical exercise. 5% do quite some exercise. In the elderly, exercise is the main determinant of TOTAL ENERGY EXPENDITURE. Exercising (Dr. H. Cooper): "The method to put more years in their life and more life in their years" PHYSICAL ACTIVITY
MANY BENEFITSLOGROÑO DEPORTE Lowers the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease Improves Hypertension Improves blood lipid profile Regulates glucose Improves weight control Is good for the bones, joints… Helps you sleep well Adequate and attractive activities for their state BENEFITS OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY