P ay S ystems Module 9 N ational G uard T echnician P ersonnel M anagement C ourse
2 NGB PAY SYSTEMS General Schedule (GS): a nationwide system Federal Wage System (FWS): a locality-based system
3 GENERAL SCHEDULE (GS) COVERS: Professional Administrative Clerical Protective 15 Grades, 10 steps each
4 FEDERAL EMPLOYEES’ PAY COMPARABILITY ACT (FEPCA) Time off from duty as an incentive award Hazard Pay Differential (HPD) Hazard Duty Pay (HDP) Premium pay for emergencies Supervisory differentials
5 FEDERAL WAGE SYSTEMS (FWS) Covers… Trades and crafts-related fields and has… 15 Grades for Non-Supervisory (WG) 15 Grades for Work Leaders (WL) 19 Grades for Supervisory (WS) with… 5 steps per grade
6 TECHNICIANS’ PAY CAN BE ADJUSTED BY: Nationwide Adjustments Promotions Within-Grade or Step Increases
7 NATIONWIDE ADJUSTMENTS General Schedule (GS): Determined by Congress Approved by the President Computed as percentage of basic pay May increase, decrease or remain the same
8 EMPLOYMENT COST INDEX (ECI) ADJUSTMENTS Federal Wage System (FWS): Determined by local wage survey Change is unique to wage area percentage of basic pay May increase, decrease or remain the same
9 PROMOTIONS GS Employees: Receive pay increases in an amount = to or > 2-step increase in old grade FWS Employees: Receive at least +4% of representative rate (Step 2) of old grade Amount may be influenced by change in locality wages/salaries
10 WITHIN GRADE OR STEP INCREASES GS: Based on longevity Step 1 – 4 1 year Step 4 – 72 years Step 7 – 103 years
11 WITHIN GRADE OR STEP INCREASES GS: Based on job performance Employees must have overall ratings of fully acceptable, AND fully acceptable in all critical elements Temporary GS employees are not eligible for increases
12 WITHIN GRADE or STEP INCREASES FWS: Based on longevity Step 1 – 26 months Step 2 – 318 months Step 3 – 52 years
13 WITHIN GRADE OR STEP INCREASES FWS – Based on job performance Employees need only to have an overall fully acceptable rating All FWS are eligible for increases
14 GRADE AND PAY RETENTION Grade Retention: Provides a 2-year period following a personnel action which resulted in a reduction in grade Pay Retention: Extends relief from a personnel action when grade retention provisions do NOT apply
15 GRADE RETENTION Basic Eligibility: Grade not reduced for personal cause or at technician’s request 52-week requirement at higher grade in a permanent position (person) If reclassification, position must be old grade for one year
16 GRADE RETENTION Mandatory Retention: RIF into a lower grade Grade lowered due to reclassification Optional: For mission-related reasons (discretion of TAG)
17 GRADE RETENTION Termination: End of 2-year time period One workday break in service Demoted for personal cause or by technician written request Placement in equal or higher position Declination of a reasonable offer
18 PAY RETENTION Basic Eligibility: NOT excluded by TPR 532* *TPR 532 will soon be replaced with TPR 500
19 PAY RETENTION Mandatory Retention: Grade-retention time requirements not met Declination to relocate: no offer at gaining activity and placed in lower grade Transfer from a special rate position to a non-special or lower-level special rate position
20 PAY RETENTION Mandatory Retention (continued): Placement in formal employee development program Grade retention expires RIF or reclassification (when grade retention does NOT apply)
21 PAY RETENTION Mandatory Retention (continued): Loss or reduction of special rates Change to new pay schedule
22 PAY RETENTION Optional: For mission-related reasons (discretion of TAG) Move due to ill health in lieu of disability or retirement Filling a designated hard-to-fill position
23 PAY RETENTION Termination: One workday break in service Demoted for personal cause or by technician written request Entitled to an equal or greater rate Declines reasonable offer
24 SPECIAL PAY OPTIONS Shift Differential Holiday Pay Sunday Pay Environmental Differential Pay (EDP) Hazard Duty Pay (HDP)
25 SPECIAL PAY OPTIONS GS Shift Differential: Basic Rate + 10% for work scheduled and performed between Differential added to paid leave period when amount is less than 8 hours/pay period FWS Shift Differential: Basic Rate + 7.5% if MAJORITY of hours between OR 10% if MAJORITY of hours between
26 SPECIAL PAY OPTIONS Holiday Pay: GS & FWS: Receive double-time not to exceed normal work shift GS & FWS: Guaranteed 2 hours pay GS: Night shift = double-time + 10% FWS: Night shift = double time + normal night shift differential
27 SPECIAL PAY OPTIONS Sunday Pay: GS & FWS: Base Rate + 25% Part-time employees not eligible
28 SPECIAL PAY OPTIONS Environmental Differential Pay (EDP): Duty characterized by unusual physical hardship or hazards Applies to FWS only
29 SPECIAL PAY OPTIONS HAZARD DUTY PAY (HDP): Duty characterized by unusual physical hardship or hazards Applies to GS only
30 ADDITIONAL SPECIAL PAY CATEGORY Hiring at an advanced rate based on superior qualifications (In the future) Pay Banding: pay set within a range or band depending upon incumbent’s skills for the job
31 SEVERANCE PAY Eligibility Requirements/Conditions: Can be part-time or full-time Must be involuntarily separated, other than for inefficiency, misconduct or delinquency Must have 12 months continuous service
32 SEVERANCE PAY Eligibility Requirements/Conditions (continued): Must not be eligible for an immediate annuity upon separation Cannot be receiving injury compensation Have not declined a reasonable offer
33 SEVERANCE PAY Amount of severance: One weeks pay for every year of service up to 10 Two weeks pay for every year after 10 PLUS 10% adjustment for each year over age 40
34 Approval of in-grade increases for persons with “Fully Acceptable” performance Denial of in-grade increases for persons with less than “Fully Acceptable” performance Ensuring employees are correctly compensated under Special Pay options, etc. YOUR EFFECT ON PAY
35 I ndividual E xercises
36 Q uestions