Community Sports Coach Scheme National to Local
National 1999 the UK Vision for Coaching was published. Endorsed by the Government, UK Sport and Sport England it stated that: “By 2012 the practice of coaching in the UK will be elevated to a profession acknowledged as central to the development of sport and the fulfilment of individual potential”. Following on from the UK Vision for Coaching the Coaching Task Force (CTF) was established to move forward the priority set out above. The final report from the CTF was released in July 2002.
Coaching Task Force Produced 3 Strands to deliver on the set objectives UK Coaching Certificate (UKCC) Coach Development Officer (CDO) Community Sports Coach Scheme (CSCS)
Community Sports Coach Scheme The National Plan 3000 paid and qualified coaches to be in place by 2006 Coaches to be funded by DCMS and local partners Employment of coaches to be based on local need Coaches to be supported by County Sports Partnerships An overall increase in the number of high quality coaching sessions A clear career structure/pathway to be in place for coaches Quality standards for recruitment and employment to be set
Funding Partnership funding - WHERE? Clubs National Governing Body Sponsorship Lottery Income
Norfolk the Overall Picture Overall allocation of 7 full time and 38 part time coaches These to be active in the community by 2006 and supported for 3 years
Norfolk’s First Application 1st application submitted in June 2004 Partners included (RFU, NDSF, Fram Earl, Cliff Park) Successful in securing £52k for 3 Full Time and 8 Part Time coaches
Norfolk’s Second Application To be submitted at the end of January to the East Regional Sports Board Notification of the success of the application should be by the end of March 2005 Third Application This will be the final application and will be made in April 2005 Partners will be notified of criteria for this
How to get involved To have a community sports coach you need to: Be able to part fund the coach for 3 years DCMS will fund a maximum of £12k for a full time coach and £2k for a part time coach. This must be matched as a minimum, the more money you can put in will mean more working hours for the coach if part time, or a higher salary if full time Provide the coach with full employment rights (be on payroll, sick and holiday pay entitlement etc) You need to form partnerships with the Local Authority and look into the potential of school club links Be able to manage the work programme of the coach across all sectors of the community with a maximum of 20% to be in curricular time
What Next Discuss the scheme with your club, local authority SDO, local high school, National Governing Body to ensure you will be able to secure funding, and that you can find a suitable employer for the coach Contact Jane Hannah at the Norfolk Sports Alliance to register your interest, and to further discuss the scheme