PARTNERSHIPS FOR LLL: a new idea? Hans Daale Leido, the Netherlands 7 May 2013
Leido A network in the Netherlands… (non-profit, independent, private organisation) … for LLL-issues… … organising activities… … at an intermediate level… … between ‘the work floor’ and those involved in politics, strategic actions, high management… Roots in ‘work-based learning’…
LLL Hot item Also in the Netherlands But… We need more attention for providing effective possibilities to people to be flexible in ‘rearranging their own career’ (personnel flexibility) The Government is focussing on ‘formal learning’ - and less on ‘what is really happening in someones life…’ Control versus creativity?
Developments Discussion on ‘flexible higher education’ But in fact it is on ‘cutting the public budgets for formal adult learning’… No attention for non-formal and informal learning, linked to formal education No RPL any longer as instrument in higher education (just an intake for exemptions)
DUCIS-LLL We needed a Dutch platform on LLL – not only for formal higher education – as a partner for the government… … like we have done with Leido for some important issues (SCHE / Work-based learning / permeability between VET and HE) – using our status… Start-up in of DUCIS-LLL
DUCIS-LLL Members: organisations and assocations involved in formal, non-formal and informal education – at all levels Not from the formal Assocations – they are thinking too strategic… This year for the first time a National Forum on LLL (November 2013) (having new regulations for HE) – so, the time is right for our activities
Recommendation 1 Budget for running such a Platform – just to support the members – not for paying the time of those member organisations It is absolutely necessary! Ask retired experts to be involved in the Platform – just paying their out-of-pocket costs (or give them other incentives…) Give volunteers a change to participate – also some budget for them
Recommendation 2 A national governments needs to involve this Platform in developing effective strategies for promoting LLL EP and EC: don’t accept the input of national governments if they don’t have this structure And organise twice a year specific expert meetings on LLL and invite national representatives of the government and also of the Platform And more ‘travelling experts on LLL’ – to be present at regional expert meetings Connect those Platforms on LLL !!!
Thanks. Hans Daale