Stinger 1.What vocabulary do you need to know to understand the map? 2.What is the Purpose of the map? 3.What information does the map provide? 4.What patterns exist in the map? 5.Explain why the patterns exist. 6.Describe how you think the boundaries were drawn in the map. 7.DO you think the boundaries in the map respected social, historical, and cultural norms in the area? Why or Why not?
Imperialism in Asia 1.How was the situation in Asia similar to that in Africa? 2.How was the situation in Asia different from that in Africa? 3.What would motivate these countries to control other parts of the world?
Why Imperialism Rapid industrialization in Europe Desire to Obtain Resources Access to Markets Power Wealth and Trade Spread Democracy and Enlightenment Peer Pressure?
White Man’s Burden Read the White Man’s Burden Speaker Occasion Audience Purpose Subject Tone How does it affect the way you read the poem? What is the White Man’s Burden? What assumptions does Kipling make about people in other lands? What assumptions does Kipling make about Europeans and Americans?
Imperialism in Africa Borders drawn by European treaty according to European methods Lines of latitude and longitude Rivers Mountains Dissections of territory Affects on populations Splitting of tribes Joining of warring tribes Nigerian Example Three different major religions Three different major ethnic groups 33 ethic divisions
Models of Colonization Great Britain Most control remained in country Level of British leadership and governance at the top People maintain language but also learn English Royal governors sent to manage the country French Model French control at all levels Official language is French Government made of French officials and those trained by French officials
Imperialism in Asia The Fight over influence in China Opium Wars The Boxer Rebellion Russo-Japanese War The Open Door Policy India Maintenance of principalities Trade Tea Spices Japanese Imperialism on Asian Mainland (Korea) Russian imperialism in Mongolia
Imperialism Cartoon Activity For each cartoon, answer the four questions. Who are the people in the cartoon or what do the symbols represent? When was the cartoon drawn? How do you know? What is the artist’s opinion of imperialism? How do you know? How does the title or caption of the cartoon relate to the situation it is depicting?
Exit Ticket How did European nationalism cause imperialism? How might imperialism in Africa and Asia lead to conflict in Europe?