Membership Recruitment MEMBERSHIP Recruitment
Membership Recruitment WHO? Consulting design engineers Design build and architectural professionals Manufacturers Environmental health professionals Indoor air quality professionals Energy professionals Food technologists Construction management Students Contractors Instructors/professors/university physical plant staff Building owners, operators and developers
Membership Recruitment WHY? Networking with the industry’s leaders Access to publications Support the industry that provides their livelihood To receive the ASHRAE Journal and Handbook Access to the latest in technological advancements Continuing education credits – PDHs and CEUs Member benefits
Membership Recruitment CHAPTER COMPOSITION It is important the chapter has a balanced membership of industry representation An imbalanced chapter can lead to apathy amongst underrepresented groups Determine where you need to recruit more members and set goals to grow that area – anyone recruiting for the chapter should focus on this goal Recruiters should have an enthusiastic/positive testimonial about why they are members, and be prepared to share that with recruits on a whim
Membership Recruitment RECRUITMENT TOOLS Tailor chapter programs (meet with CTTC early to help identify these needs) to meet the needs of your target audience Have BOG members from your target audience and even chapter officers/chairs when possible Encourage joint meetings with target audiences (e.g. USGBC, AIA, ASME) Promote company support of membership - every chance you get! Reward companies who support their employees’ participation (e.g. a slide on your PPT, your newsletter, a special reception) Schedule two membership promotion nights and get them on the chapter calendar (slide 9) Have your toolkit (slides 7-8)
Membership Recruitment REMEMBER WHAT MOTIVATES Money – it truly does talk. How does ASHRAE membership help people make more money? Jobs – how does ASHRAE membership help people keep or get a job? Technical resources – how does ASHRAE bring technology to their members? Education – how does ASHRAE help members build their knowledge platform? Networking – how does ASHRAE help members build their professional network? Fun – though not top on anyone’s list, how does ASHRAE make being a part of the industry fun? Recognition – members want to be recognized for their presence, their volunteer efforts and their commitment to the industry – it’s so easy to provide this in ASHRAE, and it goes such a long way These are all questions anyone recruiting should be able to answer!
Membership Recruitment YOUR TOOLKIT Tangible toolkit items: Always have your display of membership materials and even a computer for helping people join – you need to be sure you know how to join online…or at least the person who is helping peoplematerials Buy member pins and pin your new members quickly Create a chapter incentive for your current members who recruit a new member (gift card to Starbuck’s, ASHRAE logo item) Don’t forget about needed chapter supplies 7
Membership Recruitment YOUR TOOLKIT Intangible toolkit items (the most important): Be prepared to promote membership at every meeting Be prepared to sell membership to employers – usually people want to join, but finances are an issue…they need support Don’t be the chapter where members only speak to their friends! Be prepared with a welcoming smile, a handshake and recognize your new members and visitors - if people aren’t comfortable, they won’t come back! 8
Membership Recruitment MEMBERSHIP PROMOTION NIGHT Hold the first membership promotion night no later than November Offer an incentive for new members Offer recognition for existing members Offer recognition for companies who support membership Have your toolkit Show Sustaining Momentum video and PPT available onlineSustaining Momentum Recognize guests and have a recruitment goal prepared Deliver informal awards for members who have done something special, accomplished something Follow up within two days with all visitors and those who join for the first time
Membership Recruitment SPECIAL MEMBERSHIP PROGRAMS ASHRAE offers a special dues rate for members residing in countries with developing economies per the World Bank List of Economiesdeveloping economies Former members who want to reinstate their membership to retain their original election date – all requests should go to Former members who wish to rejoin and use the same member number, but who are not concerned with original election date, should log on and click Join ASHRAE Student membership is pivotal in building the future of the industry, Society and your local chapter – most chapters support student membership at some level and it is a best practice
Membership Recruitment YEA Institute Any Affiliate, Associate or Member age 35 and younger Provides educational and leadership opportunities specifically for ASHRAE’s young professional members YEA has a wealth of resources including: – Member spotlights – Mentoring programs – Recommended chapter programs – Facebook presence with regular updates Facebook – Society conference events – Leadership weekend – LeadershipU – New Faces of Engineering for ASHRAE (an EWeek Activity)
Membership Recruitment THEY JOINED…WHAT’S NEXT? If they apply online, they should indicate your chapter as their preferred chapter – if they don’t, our system is set to default by postal code (US and Canada and some international countries) or in some cases by country to your chapter MP chairs should always check their master roster and follow up on any new members not appearing on the roster Applications for Member grade and current members who wish to advance, can only do so by updating their member bio with relevant education, work experience and licensesmember bio There is a slight delay in processing full Member applications because they must be reviewed – information about the review process is available onlinereview New members receive a new member newsletter from the Society president via New members receive a new member packet with membership card and certificate in no more than six weeks
Membership Recruitment Q&A What questions do you have about membership recruitment? GROUP DISCUSSION